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河北工业大学 EMBA 学位论文 房地产项目计划管理问题和对策研究 摘  要 本人根据房地产行业施工和管理的实践经验,发现房地产企业存在着计划管理滞后的 现象,从而导制房地产开发项目普遍存在工期拖延的问题,由此引发了许多的法律纠纷和 社会问题。 古人云:凡事预则立,不预则废,可见计划对于事情成败的重要性。有效的实行计划 管理能帮助企业管理者合理分配人力、物力和财力等资源,顺利达到预期的工作目标。在 崇尚科学管理的现代企业里莫不重视对计划的管理,而对于一个房地产企业,由于投资规 模大、周期长、产品唯一,对土建、设备、电气等各专业协同作业要求高,还有实施过程 中的可能发生的多种不确定性因素等行业特点,使加强和规范各项工作的计划性管理成为 保证整体项目时效性的关键。 目前房地产行业无论国家政策、法规的制定、监管,还是房地产企业经营运作等方面 均存在不同程度的不完善和不规范的地方。另外房地产开发环节受外部产业政策、金融政 策、土地政策甚至自然的、气候的因素影响较大,使很多企业普遍存在“计划无用”、“计划 赶不上变化”的思想观念。然而,房地产开发环境的多变性和不确定性恰恰反映出计划的重 要性,没有计划何谈变化? 本人目前负责某房地产公司的工程管理工作,深刻地认识到计划管理的重要性。房地 产项目对进度计划影响因素众多,本文根据所在公司进行房地产项目开发过程中存在的计 划偏差问题,对房地产企业影响进度计划的拆迁、设计、地质、招商、政府审批等几个案 例进行了分析探讨,做出了相应的对策研究。 关键词:房地产、计划管理、进度影响、对策研究 i 房地产项目计划管理问题和对策研究 PROGRAM REAL ESTATE PROJECT PLAN MANAGEMENT ISSUES AND COUNTERMEASURES ABSTRACT Practical experience in the construction and management of real estate industry, I found that there is lag in program management for real estate companies, common duration of delay in order to guide the system real estate development projects, which led to a number of legal disputes and social problems. An old saying: Forewarned is forearmed, not pre-waste, we can see the importance of the things the success of. The effective implementation of program management to help business managers a rational allocation of resources such as manpower, material and financial resources to successfully achieve the desired objectives. Did not dare advocate of scientific management of modern enterprises attach importance to the management plan for a real estate business, investment in large-scale, long cycle, the only products, civil engineering, equipment, electrical and other professional collaborative operational requirements, implementation process may occur in a variety of uncertainty factors and other characteristics of the industry, to strengthen and standardize the work plan of management has become the key to ensuring the timeliness of the overall project. The real estate industry, regardless of national policy, legi



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