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摘  要 目的:了解牧区居民高血压现状及影响牧区居民高血压的危险因素,并推算各危 险因素在牧区居民高血压发病中的作用大小,估计各危险因素之间的交互作用,为牧 区居民高血压的防控提供科学依据。方法:采用现况研究的方法对我市牧区35岁~65 岁的684名居民进行抽样调查,了解调查人群高血压的现患状况; 以本次调查获得的 原发性新发现的高血压病例作为病例组,以无高血病史血压正常、无肾病、无糖尿病, 相同性别、年龄上下不超过5岁、相同民族的为对照组,按1:1的比例进行病例对照研 究。通过logistic回归分析筛选高血压的危险因素,利用Bruzzi 等定义的病因分值计算 公式估算高血压危险因素的病因分值。按walker法计算牧区居民高血压危险因素的交 互作用。结果:调查对象684名,年龄35岁~65岁,平均年龄48.65±7.899岁,蒙古 族占76.6%,汉族占23.0%,其它民族占0.4%;调查对象高血压的患病率为37.0%,知 晓率43.5%,治疗率31.6%、控制率8.3%;经多因素logistic回归分析高盐饮食、饮酒史, 体重指数、高血压家族史为高血压的危险因素;病因分值分别为0.0303、0.1229、 0.1289、0.4513,危险因素超重与饮酒,吃咸菜,高血压家族史的归因百分比及超额 相对比为24%、4.2%、67.9%,0.162、0.212 、1.505,危险因素饮酒与吃咸菜及高血 压家族史的归因百分比及超额相对比为9.3%、10.9%, 0.631、0.437,危险因素吃咸 菜与高血压家族史的归因百分比及超额相对比为44.9%,1.137。结论:调查人群高血 压的患病率比较高,控制和治疗效果不佳。因此,相关部门应通过健康宣教及监测和 指导,进行规范化管理。高血压患病因素为遗传因素和环境因素,遗传因素不能改变 但是环境因素是主要进行改善的方面。加强环境因素的改善将为高血压的防治工作起 到重要作用。 关键词:  高血压现状;危险因素;病因分值;交互作用 The study on hypertension situation and risk factors score and interaction of 684 pastoral areas residents Abstract Objective: to understand the current situation and influence of the pastoral residents hypertension pastoral residents the risk of high blood pressure factors, and the calculated risk factors in pastoral areas the role of the residents of developing hypertension size, estimate the risk factors and interaction between, for prevention and control of hypertension pastoral residents provide the scientific basis. Methods: the current study method for human’s pastoral areas 35 to 65 years of 684 residents of sampling investigation, know people with high blood pressure survey is condition; In this survey of primary of the newly discovered for high blood pressure cases as the case group, having high blood pressure is normal, no history of blood, no kidney disease and without diabetes, the same gender, age and not more than 5 years old, the same people as control group, according to 1:1 proportion case control study. Through the logistic regression analysis of screening high blood pressure risk factors, such as the cause of de


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