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春蕾学校英语组集体备课稿 八年级 撰稿教师 闵佳 审稿教师 郑曼莉 胡款 张琼 课题:Unit 10 If you go to the party, you will have a great time. 教材分析: 会用If 引导的条件状语从句的时态变化,主句的时态。理解“主将从现“所表达的意义。 教学目标: 语言知识目标: 能掌握以下单词:words and expression:against, charity, sincerely, lawyer, tonight, make a living, all over the world, all the time, get injured. 能掌握的重点句型 “if ” conditional attributive clause: eg If you become a professional athlete, you`ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. Ability Goals: improve students` ability of reading and writing . Moral Goals: students will understand that everything has good and bad influences,think over ,make sure what you really want and then make your decisions. 能了解以下语法 : 将来时 宾语从句 主将从现 教学重难点: 本单元围绕“Decision making”展开教学活动。来学习if引导的条件状语从句 掌握现在时表示将来的用法。从学生熟悉的party出发到对于未来职业选择的探 讨鼓励学生作出自己的决定。该话题贴近学生生活鼓励学生对未来的生活展 开丰富的想象。 本节课是本单元的读写课主要学习用if引导的条件状语从句探讨未来职 业分析优点和缺点从而做出决定。 教学课时安排:8课时 学生情况分析:八年级对于学生们来说是一个很重要的阶段,知识点的增多,时间上的紧凑以及课程繁多,让学生在接受新知识点的时候有点措手不及。但好在学生们的态度很好,做事积极。学习上有很强的主动性。本单元是一个新的知识点,讲述be going to句型,需要用大量例子来进行练习。 Step 1: Warming-up and Lead-in 1.Show three pictures of Liu Xiang, and give some sentences to ask students to fill in the blanks, check the wods. (1)Liu Xiang is a professional (专业的)athlete. (2)He has a lot of money and he sometimes gives his money to the charity/charities (慈善机构)。(Ask students:Is Liu Xiang happy now? Why?) (3)If he runs very fast, maybe he will get injured (受伤的). (Ask again:Is Liu Xiang happy now? Why?) 通过提问让学生对于运动会这份职业的利与弊有个初步了解为下面的教学 活动做铺垫。 2.Everything has its good and bad influences,If you become an athlete, will you be happy? So let`s look at our books. Today we`ll learn Unit 5 Period 4 section B (3a---4). Step 2:Reading 3a Task 1 Fast reading: Read the first sentence of each paragraph to get the main idea. 看每段的首句获 取大意。 What does the passage talk about? A. The advantages优点 of being


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