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Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术的电流 current n. (水,气,电)流 water current/ electric current/ air current A stream of traffic/tourists A gust of wind A torrent of water current adj. 目前的,现在的  current affairs 时事 current fashion currency n. 流通(货币) hard currency currently adv.普遍地,通常地,现在,当前 sculpture n. 雕塑 一件雕塑品 a piece of sculpture 阳刻 carve vt. ice carving 阴刻engrave vt. be engraved in your memory/mind/heart model oneself on/after 把自己塑造成 mould/mold sth into [məʊld] 铸造(用模子制作) Her dress was molded to her body. mistaken adj. 错误的 adj. incorrect/wrong/misunderstood make a mistake/by mistake 弄错 He took my umbrella by mistake. mistake sb for sb 把….误认为 Yesterday I mistook him for my classmate. art gallery n. 美术馆 (art museum) Embassy Library Restaurant Tea house oddly adv. 古怪的 strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的 That is strange! odd adj. 古怪的;奇数的 odd number ---even number queer adj. 奇特的(贬义的); homosexual queer bird Look, he is wearing a queer hat. weird adj. 怪异的 weird hairdo eccentric adj. [ɪksɛntrɪk] 古怪的,反常的 an eccentric old man attach v. 连, 系 attach importance/significance to sth 对…非常重视 In China, we attach too much importance to academic education. Please see attachment for details. (n. 附件) affiliated adj. 附属的,有关联的 a high school affiliated to a university sphere n. 球体 hemisphere n. 半球 the Northern Hemisphere the Eastern Hemisphere globe n. 地球;地球仪;球体 The Globe Fortune Forum magnetize v. 使磁化;(比喻)吸引 The iron was magnetized. His speech magnetized the listeners. magnetic adj. 地磁的;有磁性的 magnetic force/ field/ pole/ tape magnet n.  [mægnət] 磁铁 magnate [mægneɪt] n. 巨头;大资本家 a tobacco magnate tycoon n. 企业界大亨,巨头;巨富 fl- 移动的光 flicker v. 闪烁 shine unsteadily flash v. 闪光 shine for a moment flash on and off 忽明忽暗 flame v. 焚烧;泛红;n. 火焰 Her face flamed red with embarrassment. old flame 旧情人 gl- 不移动的光 glare vt. 瞪视;发眩光 The tropic sun glared down on us all day. glitter vi. (在阳光照耀下)闪光;闪烁 All that glitters is not gold is a well-known saying, meaning that not everything that looks precious or true


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