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百分数的读法: eg:54.6%??fifty four point six out of a hundred ? 0.2%???? two tenths of a percent ? 3.5%???? three and a half percent 54.5% fifty four and a half percent -ty 与 –teen的区别 ?-teen结尾的有两个重读音节, -ty只有一个重读音节 ??eg.??? fifteen ,? fifty thirteen , thirty ??????? 19 90  18 80  17 70  16 60   15 50  14 40  13 30  12 20 货币单位 ?dollar/buck 美元? eg.?? Six bucks??? 15 dollars 95 cents quarter? 25美分 ???dime 10美分 nickel 5美分 ???penny? 1美分?? 英国:pound 英镑  1英镑=100便士 penny 便士 pence(便士的复数)   ??? 20英镑50便士: twenty pounds fifty pence.? Or? twenty fifty 时间单位  机场,车站报时:使用的是24小时 制,遇到不足10点要补0    9:30 o nine thirty ??广播报时:Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) / Universal time 格林尼治时间  22pm :?? 22 hours GMT (BBC) ????22 hours universal time ?midnight:? twenty-four hours 确切时间 表示年份  in the thirties of the twentieth century in the nineteen thirties 在二十世纪三十年代  in the 1930’s in the year two fifty- three B.C. 公元前253年 数字用于货币 表示正常价格:? regular price, normal price. 表示价格划算: It is an excellent price It is a good price/ bargain. It is a good buy. 表示价格较贵:dear, expensive, steep, more expensive, 表示价格便宜:bargain price? 其它说法:cheap, inexpensive, less expensive. 表示减价出售:on sale,  Christmas sale,   garage sale(现场旧货出售)  4 sale(?) 一些数字的词组 on cloud nine 无比幸福 on cloud nine 无比幸福 eg. I was on cloud nine after I won the game. Your room at sixes and sevens at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 on second thoughts? 再三考虑 by ones and twos 零零散散 Two heads are better than one. 两个臭皮匠抵个诸葛亮 in the year one 早年  I used to study in America in the year one 早年在美国读书 ten to one 很可能??? Ten to one he has forgotten it ?three score years and ten 一辈子  I’ll love you three score years and ten. 转折题型 重点听but后面的部分 练习: 1. A. The Chairman didn’t attend the Opening Ceremony at the last minute. ??? B. The Chairman refused to attend the Opening Ceremony at the last minute. ??? C. The Chairman never changed his mind to attend the Opening Ceremony at the last minute. D. The Chairman made a last minute decision to attend the O



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