玩具总动员看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印).doc

玩具总动员看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印).doc

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实用标准文案 文档 大家注意 这是抢劫 通通都不准动 All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Dont anybody move! 掏空保险箱 Now, empty that safe! 钱钱钱 Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money! 住手 住手 可恶的蛋头 Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato! 闭嘴宝贝 否则你的羊会遭殃 Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over! 救命 救命啊 Help! Baa! Help us! 别伤害我的羊 谁来帮帮忙啊 Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something! 飞向天空 Reach for the sky! 不 是胡迪警长 Oh, no! Sheriff Woody! 我是来阻止你的 独眼蛋头 Im here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart. 你怎么知道是我啊 Doh! Howd you know it was me? 快跟我走吧 Are you gonna come quietly? 你休想 警长 You cant touch me, Sheriff! 我带了我那只 凶狠的斗犬来了 I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field 我带了我的恐龙 它专门吃凶狠的斗犬 Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs. -呀 -Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! 你要去坐牢了 蛋头 跟你老婆小孩说再见吧 Youre going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots. 你又拯救了危机 胡迪 You saved the day again, Woody. 你是我最喜欢的副警长 Youre my favorite deputy. 片名:玩具总动员 我是你好朋友 # Youve got a friend in me # 你什么也别愁 # Youve got a friend in me # 来 我们来抓牛 Come on, lets wrangle up the cattle. 道路坎坷困难多 # When the road looks rough ahead # 要十万八千里才到家门口 # And youre miles and miles from your nice, warm bed # -牛仔 把他们围起来 你只要想起我在你左右 -Round em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said # 我是你好朋友 # Boy, youve got a friend in me # 哦对 我是你好朋友 -Yee-haw! -# Yeah, youve got a friend in me # 嗨 牛仔 Hey, cowboy! 有些人比我能干比我强 # Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am # 身体健壮走起路雄赳赳 -# Big and stronger too # 来吧 胡迪 -Come on, Woody. -# Maybe # 也许没有人 能像我这样爱护你 # But none of them will ever love you the way I do # 对你是毫无保留 -# Its me and you, boy # 多少的岁月中 -# And as the years go by # -Whoa! 我们的友谊更加深厚 -Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die # 你会看到 -Whoo! -# Youre gonna see # 我们的命运紧相连 -# Its our destiny # 我是你好朋友 -好耶 -# Youve got a friend in me # -All right! 哦对 我是你好朋友 -得分 -# Yeah, youve got a friend in me # -Score! 我是你好朋友 -酷 -# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool! -你喜欢吗 -妈咪 真是太棒了 -What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom! -喜欢就好 小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样 -Okay, b


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