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摘 要 在北京,农民工约占全市人口的四分之一,他们在各自的岗位上为北京的经济社 会发展做出了巨大的贡献。随着一些保护农民工权益政策的出台,农民工的境况得到 了改善。但是仍然存在着一些有待进一步解决的问题,如拖欠工资、劳动合同签订率 低等。本文正是在这个背景下,以实证研究为主要研究方法,对部分农民工进行了问 卷调查和访谈。希望通过自己的分析,能够真实反映在北京市务工的外地农民的就业 情况,发掘出新时期在北京务工的外地农民就业的新问题,从而为政策制定提供一定 的信息支持和理论指导。本文得出的结论主要有三个方面:一,虽然北京市农民工的 总量还在逐年增加,但是增速减慢,如果政府不采取有效措施,北京也将面临农民工 短缺。二,虽然无论是国家还是北京市政府在保护农民工权益和提高农民工素质等事 情上都采取了很多措施,但是对农民工素质的提高却没有多大成效;对农民工权益的 保护虽然已经有了很大的进步,但是仍有侵害农民工权益的事情发生。三,解决农民 工的就业问题,既需要国家和政府提供物力、财力和人力的支持,也需要有政策、法 律法规在执行力上的保障和农民工自身素质的提高,当然也需要市民对农民工的认可 以及社会团体对农民工的帮助。 主题词:农民工 就业现状 问题 建议 I Abstract In Beijing, immigrant workers accounted for about a quarter of the city’s population, and they had made tremendous contribution for Beijing’s economic and social development in their respective posts. With the enforcement of some policies to protect the rights and interests of immigrant workers, their situation has improved. But there are still some problems to be resolved, such as non-payment of wages, the low rate of signed contracts and so on. The paper is just under this background, take the empirical study as the main research method, conducted a questionnaire survey and interview to some immigrant workers. Hoping that through my own analysis, can truly reflect the employment situation of immigrant workers here and find some new problems, so as to provide a policy-making information support and theoretical guidance. This paper comes to the conclusion in three main points: Firstly, although the total amount of immigrant workers in Beijing still increasing year by year, the growing speed is slowing down and if the government does not take some effective measures, Beijing will also face the shortage of immigrant


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