初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 4sectionB2a-2e导学案.doc

初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 4sectionB2a-2e导学案.doc

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Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? Section B 2a—2e(Period 5 班级: 姓名: 学 习 目标 熟悉并会运用形容词最高级。 掌握文章大意及其中心思想。 培养学生的阅读技能和提高学生综合运用语言能力。 培养学生辩证地看待事物的能力,以及熟悉跨文化交际思维能力。 课 前 预 习 生词及词组过关 1 天赋;天资________; 2 魔术师___________; 3美好地,漂亮地_____________; 4 获胜者________; 5 奖品________; 6.有相同特征___________________; 7.各种各样________________;8.是……的职责____________; 9.发挥作用;有影响_ ___________ 10.编造_____________ ; 11. 例如_________ 12.认真对待______________;13.越来越…… _________________ 上 课 过 程 Task 1: Q1: Which three talent shows are mentioned (提及,提到)in the passage? Please underline (下划线) your answer in your textbook (课本). Task 2: (Please underline your answers in your textbook and write them down after class.) Q2.What do talent shows have in common? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Q3. Who decides the winner? ______________________________________________________________________________ Q4. Why do some people not like these shows? _______________________________________________________________________________ Q5. Why do some people like these shows? _______________________________________________________________________________ Q6. What do you think of these shows? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Task 3 Finish the summary(摘要) of this passage: Who’s Got Talent? Three talent shows are mentioned in this passage. They have one thing in common: They try to look for the (1)_____singers, the (2)______ _______dancers, the (3)________ ______magicians, the (4)________actors and so on. The winner is up to people to decide. Some people think the lives of the performers are (5)_____ ___, so they don’ t like to watch them. Some people think if you don’t take these shows (6)_____ _________, they are fun to watch. However, these shows give people a cha



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