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西安理工大 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 Ahs Ahs l raCI PAGE PAGE IV Subject: BASED ON FLAT IPC STRAY CURRUNT MONITO RlNG DEVICE DESIGN Specialty :Circuits and Systems Name: Zhaoliang MENG Supervisor: Prof. Yong GAO Prof .Yuan YANG Signa剖t础饥ω毗削tu圳Jr 均泪gn阳a刷叭阳眩 G伽 μ 均均i Signature:一坠 川机 Abstract In rcccnl ye屿, m凶Iy cilic$ωMωsln甚Iì趴l trùl or s山、呻 ωl1Slr\JClion iu Cbi盹 bll sO.me p 咄lems 附 ca旧时时 lighl nlil and 呐叫,. cQrlSuUclion,su:ay cllrrcl\1 is ()De of tbem,Theretì)ll!, 11 Is 叫ryn刷桐ry 111m 10 design a prnclicnl and Il.lllcilll1t and 百Itlble 衍租y cunent mon iloring deyice ? 1t远s pt1per is 10 desjgn 血 pmc也únntl cfficient and smblc industrinl modc1s:tnl;)l C\frrenl mon?lorillg dèviα. Indusuíal moàcls su:ayωm:nl mMilOlì.!1g dcvic:e C,,1 3il\ vertwo purts、Ih.e I?rst 萨111 is 出e communic8世ou conveγter module. this modlll? lIsiJ毡 SiIlcon Labs C80S If:归() MCU hJlrd wnre conll1) whic.h is responslblc fCIr Cl\)IlVelL!l IPC seriaL communlcntion to CAN bus commuJ1ioatioJl and RS48.5 bus commllniClaI?On, in ordcr lo 凶c CAN ?ommuniciltion 、说th tllC stray cuπunl SI!且sor 8Jld R剖85 communiω!ion inter.face wílh Lh.e .Dmi nage Ammgemcnt Tlie second 阳t lli 出,{)ica índuslri叫 ωm puler 50ft、咄毡,ttlls part is a C # dcvclopmenl using JPC 州州。、崎 Sllr ,iIlSWJted in lhe opera:iing syslcm s仰在in.l 50食wnre、which is dh创ed mωωlhm UlüCIIùOll modulo:.s. function modules ,ihem坦in 111阳1nce und 1he e11labllse. LPCωlllUluniω;tio且 convertcr module and dcdicatcd spfu呗re in two p缸ts togclh.e.ω ver ngcoinplclc induStrl?l modr::ls Slrtl} CU盯enllnonítori ,d vlce tùl\clion. ng FinaJly. this p:lp...J giv臼lhe lesl resulls of each module of lhe i.ndus时al mQc!els S1lay óWTcnl monJlorill 也!.vi:e. 刊í: les\ resul!S sMw tlrat.pl8Cli巳aUly,efficit!llc生 and stabillty of lndustdaJ moclels stT!lYεum:nl monilo?ng dcvice. Key wOlds: Stray Cu盯ent: MODitolìJlg Oevic以 Commullication Convelter: Stray PtoU!ction 西安理工大 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 目录 PAGE PAGE IV V V 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外的研究现状 2 1.3 本文的主要内容与各章节结构 2 2 杂散电流监测系统结构 4 2.1 杂散电流



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