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PAGE 1 翻译心得及翻译实践 摘要 本文旨在对两篇材料进行翻译,并从翻译实践中获得经验并撰写翻译心得。其中材料《敬畏生命——生态批评视域下的白鲸》为中译英,而材料《生态批评视角下的当代美国小说》为英译中。 《敬畏生命——生态批评视域下的白鲸》一文从生态批评的角度对小说《白鲸》做了新的解读。批判了人类中心主义的思想及由此产生的人类行为。从小说主角亚哈和白鲸莫比·迪克的争斗关系造成的生态悲剧中得到启示。即人类必须遏制自己的欲望,并学会尊重其他的生命从而与自然世界和谐相处。只有这样才避免生态悲剧的发生和人类与自然共同灭亡的悲惨结局。 《生态批评视角下的当代美国小说》则主要从生态批评和生态女权主义两方面对当代美国小说进行了探讨。分析了美国生态学和对小说的研究方法的发展,以及生态批评和生态女权主义的历史发展情况。同时强调了生态批评和生态女权主义的重要地位。 在结束了对以上材料的翻译实践后,得出了一些有关于英汉翻译的心得。而翻译心得主要从对翻译材料的描述、寻找背景信息、句子的处理、对词和词组的处理、结论这五个方面来进行总结。分别针对翻译中篇、句、词等方面容易出现的问题和难点进行分析,从而寻找有效的解决方法。对今后的翻译工作起到积累和指导的作用。 关键词:翻译 生态批评 生态女权主义 Abstract The main purpose of the article is to summarize the gains and experience after translating two materials. The material Hold Life in Awe and Veneration—Moby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism has been translated from Chinese to English while the material Nature in the Contemporary American Novel has been translated from English to Chinese. The article Hold Life in Awe and Veneration—Moby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism analyses the novel Moby Dick under new view from aspect of ecocriticism. It criticizes the idea of anthropocentrism and human’s behavior coming from anthropocentrism. This article also gets inspiration from conflict between Ahab and Moby Dick and the tragedy caused by this kind of conflict. Human must limit their desire and must learn to respect other livers and to live with natural word harmoniously. Only in this way, can the ecological tragedy and the death of both human and nature be avoided. As for Nature in the Contemporary American Novel, it discusses contemporary American novel from aspects of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. It analyses the development of ecology in America and of methods used to analyze America novel, and also analyzes the history of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. At the same time, the article emphasizes the importance of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. Having translated these two materials, I gain lot about the translation between Chinese and English.


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