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PAGE PAGE 4 摘 要 近年来,面对房地产市场价格居高不下的商品房,小产权房异军突起,然而与其现状相反,我国当前的法律法规、中央以及地方政府政策都明确否认小产权房的合法地位,争议重重。现实中小产权房大量存在是我国城市化进程的副产品,也是房地产市场商品房价格疯狂上涨和小产权房明显的价格优势等多种因素综合作用的结果,其出现更多的是基于市场经济的客观需要,反映了在较低的交易成本下,由下而上的对土地产权进行结构调整和资源重新配置的过程。小产权房是体制上的创新,无论从需求方还是供给方来说,小产权房都有其存在的合理性。在这样的背景下,法律一律否认其合法的法律地位,必然对我国经济和城市化进程产生诸多不良的社会影响,同时也不利于农民和购房者的利益保护。因此,应当通过修改现行土地管理法规和建立小产权房管理体系,有限制地赋予其合法化的法律地位,以从根本上解决小产权房所面临的法律困境。 【关键词】 小产权房 合法化 法律困境 对策研究 Abstract In recent years, facing the high price of commodity houses in real estate market, the minor-property-right house appears all of a sudden. But it has encountered numerous obstacles from the law as well as the central and local policies, all of which denies the legal status of it, just contrary to its present situation. The mass existence of minor-property-right house is not only the by-product from our country’s urbanization but also the outcome under synthetic action of crazy price rising of commodity houses and the obvious price advantage of minor-property-right houses, the appearance of which reflects the objective need of market economy and the process to adjust the construction of land property right and to reallocate the sources from button to top within a low transaction cost. The minor-property-right house could be treated as an institutional innovation, the existence of which is reasonable for both demand-side and supply-side. Denying the legal position of the minor-property-right house must have bad effects on the national economy and the country’s urbanization, which also goes against the protection of peasant and home-buyers’ interests. In order to solve this legal dilemma fundamentally, we should conditionally recognize the legal status of the minor-property-right house by amending the current land management law and establishing management system of the minor-property-right house. 【key words】Smal1 property room ; Legalization ;legal dilemma;countermeasure research 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc30042 前言 PAG


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