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Stanley Park (斯坦利公园) Computer science technology 121 季汉华 Enjoy the scenery A survey of Stanley Park (概况) Stanley Park is the most famous park in Vancouver, covering an area of one thousand acres. It`s the largest city park in North America and also one of the worlds most famous parks. In 1888, the park was officially opened. The Stanley Park was named by Canadian Governor General Sir Stanley.(加拿大总督爵士) The Stanley Park Features (特点) Unlike other large urban parks, Stanley Park is not the creation of a landscape architect(园林艺术家), but rather the evolution(发展) of a forest and urban space over many years. Much of the park remains as densely forested as it was in the late 1800s, with about a half million trees. The Stanley Park Attractions (特景) Totem pole (图腾柱) One of the parks most popular attractions is a group of eight totem poles at Stanley Park. The Stanley Park Attractions (特景) The seawall in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is a stone wall that was constructed around the perimeter of Stanley Park to prevent the erosion(腐蚀) of the park‘s foreshore(海滩). Seawall The Stanley Park Attractions (特景) The Stanley Park Children‘s Farmyard (农家小院) opened in 1982. It was a successor(继承人) to the original children’s zoo that started in 1950. Domestic animals and a few reptiles(爬行动物) and birds were kept in the Childrens Farmyard. The Stanley Park Attractions (特景) Zoo eventually housed over 50 animals, including snakes, wolves, emus(鸸鹋), bison(野牛), kangaroos, monkeys and Humboldt penguins(洪堡企鹅) bison emus penguins The Stanley Park Attractions (特景) A large and beautiful rose garden


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