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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
Precipitation is the main entry of hydrological model, whose spatial distribution is the main factor of affecting runoff simulation. Hanjiang River is the largest tributary in the Yangtze Basin. There is abundant precipitation, mainly in the summer. The terrain is complex and rugged in Hanjiang Basin, so it accelerates the process of collecting rainwater. Because of the amount of serious imbalance between river channel discharge capacity and flood flow, floods occur frequently.
This paper bases on the average daily precipitation data of 19 meteorological stations of Hanjiang Basin on August 2005, uses the ARCGIS10.0 platform, and uses four interpolation methods that is the global polynomial interpolation, inverse distance weighted interpolation, ordinary kriging and co-kriging. I get spatially continuous distribution of precipitation information in Hanjiang Basin. By comparing, the result of analysis is: (1) The average daily rainfall on August 2005 in space shows obvious gradient that rainfall increases gradually from west to east. During the process of co-kriging interpolation, I select the appropriate the number of fitting function, semivariogram model, semivariogram directional angle and step size, altitude. The accurate of result considering altitude and precipitable is higher than only considering altitude and only considering precipitable. By Comparing with the output of four kinds of interpolation methods, it shows that the accuracy of co-kriging interpolation is better than the other three interpolation methods. (2) using different number of meteorological stations, time scales and interpolation methods, I analyze the uncertainty of the Precipitation Interpolation in Hanjiang Basin. The result shows that, the more the number of meteorological stations, the accurate is higher; the greater the timescales, the uncertainty is smaller; using different interpolation methods, the results will be very different.
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