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31 4 Vo.l 31No. 4 2011 8 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Aug. 2011 : 1000- 1301( 2011) 04- 0089- 05 1 2 3 吴玉华 , 楼文娟 , 叶小刚 ( 11, 310024; 21 , 310027; 31 , 315012) : , 56 ( GB50011- 2001) , 10% ( 8) : , , CQC ; 10% : ; ; ; ; : P3151952; TU973. 31 : A Vertical seism ic respon se analy sis of a h igh-rise bu ilding con tain ing a steel truss tran sfer story structure w ith large span 1 2 3 WU Yuhua, LOU W enjuan , YE X iaogang ( 1. Zhijiang College ofZhejiang University of Technology, H angzhou 310024, China; 2. Institute of StructuralEngineering of Zhejiang University, H angzhou 310027, China; 3. N ingbo U rban Construction Design and Research Institute, N ingbo 315012, China) Abs tract: A FEA modelw as established for a high-rise bu ild ing w ith steel truss transfer story. The vertical seism ic responses of th is structure w ere analyzed by using themode decomposition response-spectramethod, the tmi e h isto- ry analysis m ethod and the design response-spectra method of the Ch inese Code for seism ic design of buildings ( GB5001- 2001). Themode number and themode comb ination method, w hich w ere selected in analyzing seism ic response using the mode decomposition response spectrum method, w ere investigated. And the app licab ility of one of the provisions in theCode, wh ich considered the effect of vertical seism ic action by 10% gravity load representa- tive value, w as also investigated. The resu lts show that the cross-correlation bewt een


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