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PAGE Anhui Practical Project Design Project Title: The Application of Cooperative Learning Method and Students’ Writing Ability Name: Wan Xinwu Number: 20071340130192 School: Chaohu Major: English (education-oriented) Tutor: MrYu Date: November 28, 2008 Tel: Email:wxw0237@126.com Project Title: The Application of Cooperative Learning Method and Students’ Writing Ability Investigator: Wan Xinwu Chaohu Submitted on November 28, 2008 In fulfillment of the course “Practical Project Design” Acknowledgement I would like to express my great gratitude to Chaohu Radio and Television University and those who have offered me First of all, I am mostly indebted to my supervisor, Mr.Yu,without whose support, constructive suggestions and brilliant academic guidance this project would not implemented. I am also very grateful to my colleagues for their time spent in typing and recording a period of my class. No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students, without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper. Last but not the least, big thanks go to my wife, who has shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project. Abstract The present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem that many of my students have no interest in writing, and they are poor in it . It is hypothesized that the students’ writing ability can be improved by applying the cooperative learning method (CL) accordingly. This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of well organized writing activities. Methodologically, four methods are used, and they are analytic method, cause analysis, brainstorming activation and questionnaire survey. It is proved that cooperative group writing is effective in improving English writing teaching and learning. Main Headings of the Projec


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