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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now look at how those products are prepared. Pay close attention to the foodhandlers - are their hands clean, are their clothes clean? Observe the foodhandlers. Are they following the facility’s policies? Are they handling the food in a safe and responsible way? Follow the food as it goes through the preparation process. Take temperatures and note exactly how long hazardous food items are in the danger zone before they are served to customers. Chicken salad may actually be in the danger zone for 6 - 8 hours during preparation when you add the time it takes the chicken to cool after cooking, time for deboning, time for chopping, time for mixing, and time for the finished product to cool to 40 F at its center in a 40 F refrigerator. Now that product sits at 50 F on a salad bar for 3 to 4 hours during a service period then is held 24 hours and served again the following three days under the same conditions. The salad may spend a total of 30 hours in the danger zone before it’s consumed. Watch the food preparation process for cross-contamination. Is raw chicken handled first because it takes so long to cook? Are the cutting boards and counters really disinfected? Do grease and dust collect on the hoods over the stoves? Does condensation form and everything drip into the cooking product? Is the can of oven cleaner stored next to the can of PAM that looks just like it? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 外卖和盒饭 外卖食品的包装、运输应当符合有关卫生要求,并注明制作时间和保质期限。 禁止销售和配送超过保质期限或腐败变质的食品。 违反可按违反食品卫生标准处罚 奶油类原料应当低温存放;含奶、蛋的面点制品应当在10℃以下或60℃以上的温度条件下存放和销售。 添加剂按规定使用 运输和贮存要求 避免食品受到外界的污染物的污染 干净的容器,必要的包装物 避免食品处在微生物容易生长繁殖、易于腐败变质的条件下 温度、时间、环境 避免产品受到物理性损伤 对运输、储存场所和设施的维护和清洁要求 经营场所不得同时存放毒物 食品生产经营场所还必须与有毒有害的污染源保持规定的距离 食品贮存 贮存食品的场所、设备应当保持清洁,无霉斑、鼠迹、苍蝇、蟑螂;仓库应当通风良好。 禁止存放有毒、有害物品及个人生活物品。 食品应当分类、分架、隔墙、离地存放,并定期检查、处理变质或超过保质期限的食品 食品不能直接放到地面上,至少应在高15厘米的架子上 避免受到外来污物的污染 冰箱冷藏应在5 ℃以下 冷冻应在—1


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