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毕业论文--基于BS模式及JSP技术的网上拍卖系统 摘 要 进入21世纪后,电子商务凭借互联网的支持迅速发展并逐渐成熟。其中,网上拍卖己经成为电子商务的重要组成部分,也是近年来研究的热点。随着电子商务、电子政务等应用的快速发展,以及用户要求的不断提高,传统的电子商务开发技术,尤其是网上拍卖系统的开发技术暴露出许多不足之处,造成了其开发的效率降低、成本上升、扩充与维护困难、分工合作不好进行等问题,限制了网上拍卖系统的进一步发展。 本文的主要工作是对基于B/S模式及JSP技术的网上拍卖Web应用系统进行了研究与设计。本文首先介绍了网上拍卖系统的背景,分析比较了国内外相关网上拍卖系统的运行模式、系统特点与开发技术。然后分析了目前热点的各种Web应用开发技术中存在的优势和不足之处,权衡利弊后,选择并重点研究了JSP技术进行开发。然后根据Web应用的特点提出了基于B/S模式、采用JSP技术的Web应用开发方案。最后对基于该方案的网上拍卖系统进行了功能模块设计、体系结构设计和数据库设计,提出了网站开发过程中的关键技术的研究与选用 如如何获得“及时”信息等 ,并给出了相应的实现。 关键词: Abstract Entering 21th century, Ecommerce has quickly developed and becomes mature. Network auction system is an important part of ecommerce, and has been the focus of researches. With the development of the applications of ecommerce and e-government, the development technology of conventional web application reveals lots of deficiencies. All the caused the loss of efficiency, rising cost, difficulties in expansion and maintenance, difficulties in division of work and cooperation, which restrict internet development. The article prime task was to design the Web application system for auctioning based on the B/S pattern and the JSP technology network. Firstly this article introduced on the background of network auction system, the movement pattern, the system characteristic and the development technology of the domestic and foreign network auction system were analyzed and compared on. Secondly the superiority and the deficiency which existed in the present hot kinds of Web application development technology were analyzed, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the JSP technology was selected and studied to carry through the development with emphasis. According to the Web application characteristic, the Web application development plan which was based on the B/S pattern and used JSP the technology was proposed. Finally to network auction system based on this plan, we actualized the function module design, the architecture design and th


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