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PAGE PAGE IV 摘 要 农业产业化是继家庭承包责任制之后我国农业和农村经济社会变革与发展的 “第二次飞跃”,是一场真正的农村产业化革命。它标志着我国农业进入融稳定(家 庭承包制)、改革(经营方式和管理体制)、发展(市场经济和现代农业)于一体的 整体创新的阶段。这种创新能够引导分散的小农户进入社会化大市场,排除经济体 制障碍,发挥聚合规模优势,降低交易成本,生成新的发展机制。同时,农业产业 化是中国加入 WTO 后农业产业应对世界农业产业强烈冲击的唯一选择和出路,是从 根本上解决我国“三农”问题的有效举措。 英山县是全国主要产茶县之一,茶叶产量居全省第一,全国第四,是全国茶叶 生产示范基地,先后被国家命名为“中国名茶之乡”、“全国无公害茶叶生产基地示 范县”。茶叶已成为该县支柱产业,在经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位。近年来, 该县茶叶产业化得到了较快发展,但同时也暴露出一些问题及不足。本文试图从产 业化发展的进程及一般规律出发,对英山茶叶产业化发展的历史、现状、存在问题 作一次全面而系统的分析,进而提出加快英山茶叶产业化发展的对策措施。 文章分为四部分。第一部分主要阐述农业产业化的基本理论;第二部分简要分 析我国茶叶产业化发展的态势;第三部分则主要介绍英山县茶叶产业化发展的现状 及存在的主要问题;最后一部分重点探讨英山县茶叶产业化发展的对策。 关键词:英山县 茶叶产业化 问题 对策 Abstract Succeeding the institution of contract connecting with product based on family, agricultural industrialization of our country is the second great leap of agriculture and economic, social transformation and development in the countryside. It’s a real revolution of industrialization in the countryside and shows that the agriculture in our country enters an integrating innovation stage which merges stability (the institution of contract),reformation (management and administration system),development (market economy and modern agriculture).This kind of innovation can lead scattering producing unit based on family to enter socialized market, remove barrier caused by economic system, reduce exchanging cost, produce new developing mechanism. Meanwhile, agricultural industrialization is the only choice or way for the agriculture of our country after its entry to WTO, and it is the effective act to solve the problem of “Three Nong”(agriculture, countryside and farmer)essentially. The output of tea in Yingshan County occupies the first place in Hubei Province and the fourth place in the country. So Yingshan County is one of the main tea-producing countries, and has been named as “The sample base of non-polluted tea” by the state. Tea has become mainstay industry of the country and plays a very important role in the development of economy. In recent years, the industriali



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