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PAGE PAGE 23 棉杆收获机的设计 摘 要 新疆是我国主要的棉花产区,棉花在自治区国民经济中占有很重要的地位。棉花收获后的棉秆是一种用途非常广泛的宝贵资源。首先,棉秆是一种很好的木材代用品,可用作生产人造纤维,同时又可制造纤维板和吸音板等板材,或用作建材造纸原料,质量远胜于稻草和麦秆;其次,棉秆具有很高的营养价值,经过微化处理后,可作为牛羊的上等饲料;再次,棉秆经轧碎和高温热解等化学过程,产生以一氧化碳为主的生物质气,可作为一种新型能源;棉秆粉碎后还可用作无公害食品食用菌的培养基,此外用秸秆做成的一次性餐具无污染、可降解且可再生。因此,从发展绿色农业来说,棉秆回收后可为农业的深加工提供充足的和必需的原材料。 如果能有效的开发利用棉花秸杆资源,将成为解决农村能源问题,促进农村经济发展的重要环节。因此,研制一种能够将棉秆回收的机械就显得十分必要。本文介绍了棉秆收获机的工作原理、结构特点、设计方法及国内外棉秆收获机研究和应用现状。 关健词:棉花,棉秆,收获机,结构设计 ABSTRACT Xinjiang is Chinas major cotton producing areas of cotton in the autonomous region in the national economy plays an important position.Cotton stalks after harvest is a very broad use of valuable resources.First of all, cotton stalk is a good substitute for wood, can be used as production of man-made fibers, and absorbing the same time manufacturing fiber board sheets, or paper-making raw materials for building materials, quality far better than rice straw and wheat straw; followed, cotton stalk with high nutritional value, through micro-processing, the can be used as high-grade cattle feed; again, cotton stalk by crushing and chemical processes such as pyrolysis, produced mainly from biomass to carbon monoxide gas,can be used as a new type of energy; cotton stalk also be used as pollution-free food after the edible medium, in addition to using disposable tableware made of clean straw, biodegradable and renewable.Therefore, the development of green agriculture, cotton stalk recovery after deep processing of agriculture to provide adequate and necessary raw materials. If the effective development and utilization of cotton straw resources, will be to solve the problem of rural energy, and promote rural economic development an important part.Therefore, the development of a cotton stalk to the mechanical recovery becomes very necessary.This article describes the cotton stalk harvester working principle, structure, design methods, and domestic and foreign cotton stalk harvester research and application. Key Words: Cotton,


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