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基于数据挖掘技术的AFH客户分类应用研究王克富(珠海城市职业技术学院,广东 珠海 51909 基于数据挖掘技术的AFH客户分类应用研究 王克富 (珠海城市职业技术学院,广东 珠海 519090) 摘 要:客户分类是客户关系管理(CRM)的重要研究内容,是企业开展一对一营销的重要基础。文章在分析传统的 RFM 模 型和 Marcus 模型的基础上,提出了以客户平均购买额(Average monetary)、购买频率(Frequency)和客户保持时间(Hold time)作为客 户价值细分变量的 AFH 客户分类模型,实例化构建了面向 AFH 客户分类主题的数据仓库,并从客户的贡献度 (当前价值) 和 忠诚度 (增值潜力) 两个维度对客户 AFH 值进行 Two-step 和 k-mease 双重聚类分析,形成了基于客户生命周期利润(CLP)的客 户价值矩阵,并提供了针对不同客户群的商业策略。应用结果表明,AFH 客户分类模型具有很强的表征性,能充分反映客户的 当前价值和增值潜力,能为企业提供有效的决策支持信息。 关键词:数据挖掘;客户分类;AFH 模型;数据仓库;聚类分析 中图分类号:F713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004- 292X(2012)11- 0024- 05 Applied Research on AFH Customer Classification based on Data Mining Technology WANG Ke-fu (Zhuhai City Polytechnic, Zhuhai Guangdong 519090, China) Abstract: Customer classification is an important part of customer relationship management (CRM) research , it is an important b- asis for enterprises to develop one-to-one marketing. This paper through analysing traditional RFM model and the Marcus model , put forward the AFH customer classification model with customer value segmentation variables : customer Average Monetary ( A -value) , Frequency (F-value) and Hold time (H-value) , and instantiated build data warehouse oriented AFH customer classification theme. Through two-step and K-mease double cluster analysis customers AFH-value from two perspectives , Contribution (current value) and loyalty (appreciation potential) of customer, form a customer value matrix based on customer life profit ( CLP) , and pointed out that the business strategy for different customer groups. The application results shows that the AFH customer classification model has evident characteristics, it can fully reflect the customers current value and appreciation potential and provide effective information for enterprises decision. Key words: Data mining; Customer classification; AFH model; Data warehouse; Cluster analysis 近年来,随着客户关系管理(CRM)在商业运作中的巨大成 功,其管理理念及价值被越来越多的企业所重视。在电子商务 环境下,一对一营销正备受



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