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PAGE PAGE 9 JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 汽车磁流变阻尼器的结构设计 英文题目 Structure design of Automobile Magneto-rheological Damper 院 系 机械与材料工程学院 专 业 车辆工程 姓 名 张志超 年 级 2006级(A062104) 指导教师 游世辉 肖静 二零一零年六月 摘 要 磁流变阻尼器是一种以新型的智能材料磁流变体作为阻尼器的工作液,并在阻尼器的活塞轴上缠绕电磁线圈,线圈产生的磁场作用于磁流变液,通过控制电磁线圈电流的大小来改变磁流变体的粘度,达到阻尼力可调要求的装置。磁流变阻尼器作为优秀的半主动控制器件, 具有结构简单、体积小、能耗低、响应速度快、阻尼力连续可调、易于与计算机控制相结合等优点。目前,磁流变阻尼器已被广泛运用于各种场合的振动控制,汽车磁流变阻尼器也已被广泛研究和应用。 本文在研究了磁流变液材料的组成、磁流变液效应及其主要特征、磁流变液的主要性能的基础上,根据阻尼力的要求和机械设计基本理论,确立了磁流变阻尼器的基本结构参数尺寸及主要部件材料的选用,并以此为基础进行了磁路设计,得出了活塞的磁路结构。在机械设计基本理论的指导下,计算得出磁流变阻尼器的结构参尺寸数,并应用AutoCAD及UG制图软件,画出汽车磁流变阻尼器的装配图,建立磁流变阻尼器的三维立体模型,分析影响磁流变阻尼器工作性能的主要因素。 【关键词】磁流变阻尼器;磁流变液;磁路设计;AutoCAD;UG Abstract Magneto-rheological damper is a damper that using a variant of magnetic flow material as the working fluid damper, and the piston axis in damper on magnetic coil winding, coils in the field of MRF, through controlling the size of the magnetic coil currents to change the viscosity of the magnetic fluid variant, damping adjustable requirements. MR damper as excellent semi-active control device, it has simple structure, small volume, low energy consumption, fast response and damping force of continuous adjustable, easy and combining computer control etc. At present, MR damper has been widely used in various occasions. The main research of the paper are that introduces MR fluid material composition, MR fluid effect and the main characteristics of MRF. According to the requirements of the damping force and the basic theory of mechanical design, to establish the basic structure size of the MR damper and main material selection of parts. To calculation the size of the structure, draw AutoCAD drawings of MR damper automobile assembly. Using UG software, establish 3d modeling of MR damper. Analysis on the main factors of MR effect. 【Key words 】MR damper;Magneto-rheological(MR)fluids;magnetic circuit design;AutoCAD;UG 目 录 摘要··


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