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PAGE 农村幼儿园利用社区资源进行教学活动的情况调查研究 摘 要 幼儿园利用社区资源进行教育是指幼儿园利用社区资源的人力资源,物力资源,文化资源,自然资源等对幼儿进行各方面的教育,开展教育活动。研究者首先综述了大量的国内外相关文献,对该研究有了初步的感性认识。本研究有助于幼儿园与家庭,社区合作共育内容理论的丰富,为幼儿园社区资源利用的教育活动进行实践指导。 农村幼儿园应从实际出发,因地制宜地实施素质教育,为孩子一生的发展打好基础。大自然、大社会都是活教材,越是接近孩子生活的东西,也就越能激发起孩子求知的欲望。生动鲜活的场景既能引发幼儿的学习兴趣,也能为幼儿的自主性学习提供轻松自由的环境和广泛的空间。农村幼儿园有着丰富的自然资源与社区资源为孩子们提供了很好的教育素材。应充分利用这种优势就地取材、精心选择农村资源,并将其融入幼儿课程中,使幼儿的活动充满生机。 研究者通过个别访谈法,问卷调查法对湖南省娄底市新化县几所农村幼儿园利用社区资源的情况进行调查研究,研究结果表明那里的幼师只是单纯、偶然性地让幼儿体验大自然,而不是把社区资源的利用作为教学的重要部分,因此农村幼儿园的社区资源利用不是很充分。 研究者最后提出以下几条建议:教师应利用社区资源探索教育活动,应深化对社区资源利用教育的认识,应开阔社区资源教育路径的视野,应提高自己的教育教学专业修养. 关键词:农村幼儿园 社区资源 教学活动 Township Kindergarten Communitu Resource Utilization Research Pre-school education Grade 2008 Chen Wei Yi Abstract Use of community resources for education kindergarten means that the kindergarten use human resources, material resources, cultural resources, natural resources of community resources to educate children in various aspects and develop education activities. The researchers first reviewed the related domestic and overseas literature a lot,and got preliminary perceptual knowledge on the study. This research helps to enrich the theory of cooperation content within kindergarten family and community , and carry on the practice guidance for kindergarten to have education activities of using the community resources. Township kindergarten should proceed from the reality and adjust measures to local conditions to carry out quality education to lay a good foundation for the development of the childs life. Nature, society is live teaching material, the more the thing be closer to the life of the children, the more it can stimulate the children a desire to learn. The vividly scene can not only stimulate childrens interest in learning, but also provide easy environment and the broad space for childrens autonomy learning. Township kindergarten with rich natural resources and community resources provide good education material to the children. We shou


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