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PAGE 摘 要 本设计以年产1.3亿袋胃舒宁颗粒前处理车间工艺研究为基础,以甘草、海螵蛸、 白芍、白术、 HYPERLINK /v46099.htm?ch=ch.bk.innerlink \t _blank 延胡索、党参为原料,加水煎煮两次,每次两小时,滤过,合并滤液,滤液浓缩成相对密度为1.30~1.40的稠膏,送至胃舒宁制剂车间使用。 设计中我们根据工艺流程,结合基础信息数据,合理设计出了洁净有保障、生产可操作、工艺较先进的年产1.3亿袋胃舒宁颗粒剂前处理车间。 在本设计项目中,我们首先对设计依据进行说明,然后对产品进行了介绍,设计了工艺流程,绘制了带控制点的工艺流程图,再以设备为单位进行了物料衡算,列出了各设备的进出物料平衡表。同时进行了设备选型计算,确定了各设备的生产能力和型号。还绘制了车间平面设计图和施工图设计图,最后对煎煮岗位和双效浓缩岗位生产制度进行了简单介绍。 关键词:胃舒宁颗粒;浓缩;工艺流程;车间设计; Abstract The design for an annual output of 130000000 bags of Weishuning granule pre treatment plant technology research as the basis, with liquorice, cuttlebone, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Codonopsis as raw material, decocting two times, each time for two hours, with the filtrate, filtering, concentrating the filtrate into the relative density is 1.30~ 1.40 thick paste, down to the stomach tranquilizing preparation workshop. Design according to the process, combined with the basic data and information, the rational design of clean production security, operation, technology is more advanced with an annual output of 130000000 bags of Weishuning granule pre treatment plant. In this project, we first design are explained, then the products were introduced, the design process, drawing the flow chart of control points, and then to the equipment unit for the material balance, a list of the equipment and material balance table. At the same time of equipment selection calculation, determines the equipment production capacity and models. Has also drawn up the workshop layout and construction drawing design, finally the decocting post and concentrating post production system were introduced. Key words: Weishuning granule; concentration; process flow; design workshop; 第一章 生产任务及设计依据 1.1 生产规模及生产任务 年产1.3亿袋胃舒宁颗粒剂 1.2 设计依据 制药行业执行的《医药工程设计文件质量特性和质量评定实施细则》、《GMP》、《药品注册管理办法》、《医药设计技术规定》、《卫生部药品标准》、《药物制剂工程》、《药品生产质量管理规范》(2010 年修订)及其附录《制药化工过程及设备》 1.3 设计原则 (1)本设计为制剂车间,在设计中严格遵照《GMP》和《洁净厂房设计规范》等标准进行设计。 (2) 对设备的选择,应考虑其是否能够完成生产


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