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The English and Afternoon Tea The Current Situation There are some sentences about tea. If you are cold, tea will warm you; If you are too heated, it will cool you; If you are depressed, it will cheer you; If you are exhausted, it will calm you. —by William Gladstone 如果你感到冷,茶将会温暖你; 如果你感到太热,茶会帮助你凉快下来; 如果你感到沮丧,茶将会鼓励你; 如果你感到疲惫,茶会帮助你冷静下来。 There are some words about tea. sb’s cup of tea(某人的一杯茶)正中下怀,正中口味 a tea hound 指爱交际的男子,爱和女人交际的男子 take tea with sb (口语)与某人打交道;与某人发生冲突 for all the tea in China 指无论如何(也不……) I wouldn’t do your job. Not for all the tea in the China.我才不做你的那份工作。有 天大的好处也不干。 to afternoon tea The Origin of Afternoon Tea The custom of taking afternoon tea is believed to have been first introduced in England in 1840 by Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford. At that time lunch was taken early and dinner was not served in the evening until about 9 pm. The Duchess apparently became hungry in the afternoon and asked for some tea, bread and butter and cake to be brought to her room. This soon became a habit and the Duchess started to invite friends round to join her. 一般认为,英国下午茶的传统是维多利亚女王时代1840年期间由贝德芙公爵夫人安娜女士所开创的。那时候,午餐开始得很早,而通常直到晚上9点人们才开始吃晚餐。公爵夫人每到下午便感到百无聊赖甚至饥肠辘辘,便让女仆准备一些差点,面包,黄油以及蛋糕送往她的房间。很快,喝下午茶便流行起来。公爵夫人也开始邀请她的朋友共饮下午茶。 There are several names for afternoon tea. So, how to tell them apart? Afternoon tea/Low tea typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm. Eat three- layer finger foods 小点心 Appreciate tea ware 茶器 Drink tea * 1、The Situation 2、The Origin 3、More Details… English people have the habit of drinking tea. There is a time for tea in the morning and the afternoon on that is called Tea Break. During the Tea Break all the work is dropped. According to statistics n. 统计 English people consume one-fourth of tea in the world every year that is known as the biggest tea consumption. Tea in the UK is very important. Three meals and two tea breaks Morning tea/Elevenses A


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