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现在…… 问题? 你发现自己的机会和前进的方向吗? 加油! * Energize and motivate trainee Including self introduction * W1 is leading GC index 123, best of all markets * Fast and Skim * Ask trainees to write down what’s success in his/her mind. * Ask trainees to write down what’s success in his/her mind. * Integrity: data based/fact Do right thing right: business/organization * To do list In touch with DSR/business Ownership: Counterfeit/business fund/business potential * Knowledge: back to fundamentals/Leverage PG training system/People resources - your boss, buddy, mentor, DSR, DAM/External focus – industry, competition * Know your business, where is the key driver to your business and key skills that drives channel business Know how channel develops/current status/perspectives, your solution * McSales provided tools This is where DAM differs from DSR Action * Key selling skills: PSF/HO/Communication skills - Conceptual selling skills * Present today’s example * Effective meeting: Frequency: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Clear purpose Make decisions and follow up off line * Function – Know how other functions works and how to handle when issues arises Share and reapply – Proactively share good practice and reapply others methods Bridge – Know how to handle your PG manager and your distributor manager * Image: what’s your expected image? what’s your current image? Do others agree with the image? Productive relationship with your boss: 1) Don’t surprise your boss; 2) Don’t approach your boss only with problems; 3) Don’t try to change your boss; 4) Clarify mutual expectation early on; 5) Opens up multiple channels through which info about your performance will reach your boss. 6) Know where is your boss’s red/green bottom. Proactively embrace change 如何成为一名 成功的代理商销售经理 我们是谁? 销售人员 销售经理 我们是销售人员 新单销售目标 面对客户 独立并协作的工作 谷歌在市场上的千里眼/顺风耳 …… 我们是经理 领导团队 管理客户 对渠道负责 承诺目标,达成目标 …… 角色:客户经理 vs. 销售代表 销售代表 客户经理 管理自己的客户 管理每个销售代表的客户 管理客户 管理客户/管理人 执行者 领导者 完成目标 完成目标/找出新的生意机会 解决问题 发现并避免风险 发展自己 发展自己/


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