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辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 铜陵油库重油罐区工艺设计 摘 要 本设计为不等高地形油库设计,该区地形北高南低,为充分利用位差实现自流作业,储油区靠北布置,西侧为轻油罐区,东侧重油罐区。轻油罐区包括90#汽油、93#汽油、0#柴油、-10#柴油;重油罐区包括重柴油和燃料油。全部油品均为输油管进库。轻油均自流作业,重油采用泵送装火车。 设计过程如下:根据原始资料、数据进行基础设计。依次计算库容、装卸油设施。然后,进行油库平面图的初步布置,再根据布置的情况进行管路水力计算、选泵、及校核、热力计算,在水力及热力计算部分利用了C程序快速而又较接近实际地完成工艺计算。最后进行辅助设施计算。 本设计对如下内容进行了说明:总图布置、油库工艺流程概述、油库的消防、防火防爆、防雷及防静电设施,人员的编制。 绘图部分是设计的关键,设计的思想意图、内容都通过图纸来体现。油库总图布置决定了油库分区,同时又受到各区相对位置的制约,因此它贯穿于整个油库设计过程。 关键词:油库,平面图,鹤管,流量,程序 Heavy tank farm design of Tong Ling oil depot Abstract This is designed to be high-terrain oil depot design, this area terrain from north to south, To take full advantage of gravity to achieve operating potentiometer,the oil storage area in the north, the light tank farm is deployed in the west and the heavy tank farm is deployed in the east. The tight tank farm consisting of 90 # gasoline, 93 # gasoline,0 # diesel,-10 # diesel oil; The Heavy tank farm include heavy diesel oil and fuel oil. All of the oil is brought into the oil depot by pipeline. Design process is as follows: Design based on original data, base data. Then to storage capacity and loading and unloading oil facilities of the oil depot are calculated, Then, the preliminary layout plan for oil tank, then the situation according to layout piping, hydraulic calculation,select pumps,and checking,using C program to complete quickly and closer to the actual process calculation in the part of the hydraulic and thermal calculation. Finally, of auxiliary facilities are calculated. The design of the content are explained as follows: general layout, the process outline, fireproof and anti-static facilities of the oil depot, the staffing. The key part is the design drawing,ideological intent and the content of the design are reflected by drawings. Depot area and the general layout are restrained each other at the same time, it runs through the whole process of depot design. Keywords: oil depot, floor plans, Loading arm, flow, program 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h


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