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PAGE PAGE 论文写作指导、各类文案写作 QQ625880526 用情感和智慧去营造“有声有色”的课堂 ——试谈小学语文朗读中的美育问题 摘要: 美育是一种致力于人的全面发展的教育。小学语文教育则是对小学生实施美育的一个重要环节。而对于语文教材的朗读又是小学语文美育中的一个极其重要的手段。但长久以来人们对此较少注意,表现为或者对此缺少理论探讨;或者忽略实践环节,凡此都在一定程度上削弱了语文美育的效果。本研究试图从理论上探讨课文朗读同美育的内在联系,尤其是它对于小学学生的审美启蒙的发生过程,实施美育的一定条件、技巧与原则等,为将美育真正实施于语文课堂做一些实际的摸索。 关键词:美育;朗读;意境 Build “Dramatically” The Classroom with The Emotion And The Wisdom - - To Try to Discuss The Elementary School Language Reads Aloud The Easthetic Education Question Abstract: The esthetic education is one kind devotes to humans full scale development education.The elementary school language education is implements the esthetic education to the elementary student an important link.But reads aloud regarding the language teaching material also is in an elementary school language esthetic education extremely important method.But since the long-time people little have paid attention regarding this, display for or lack the theory discussion regarding this; Or the neglect practice link, every this all to a certain extent weakened the language esthetic education effect.This research attempts theoretically to discuss the text to read aloud the same esthetic education the inner link, in particular it regarding the elementary school students esthetic initiation occurrence process, the implementation esthetic education controlled condition, the skill and the principle and so on, for makes the esthetic education true implementation in the language classroom some actual fumbles. Key words: esthetic education; reading aloud; ideal condition PAGE 1 目 录 一、美育产生的背景及含义(2) (一)美育产生的背景(3) (二)美育的含义(4) 二、现今小语朗读症侯分析(4) (一)纸上空谈(4) (二)蜻蜓点水(4) (三)力不从心(4) (四)时间短缺(4) (五)流于形式(5) (六)范围狭小(5) (七)缺少指导(5) 三、语文朗读的美育(6) (一)真正意义上的朗读(6) (二)怎样使语文课堂变得有“声”有“色”(6) 1.激发学生朗读欲望(6) 2.从朗读中体会内容(6) 3.从重点字词中读出真情实感(7) 4.形式多样的朗读技巧(7) 5.创设情境(7) (1)带领学生感知美(9) ①眼观六路(9) ②耳听八方(9) ③心手并用(10) (2)引导学生体会美(10) ①口不绝吟(10) ②手不停批(10) (3)在表演中感受和创造(11) 四、展望(11) 语文美育是一种全面发展的教育。它不只培养学生的审美意识、审美情趣和审美能力,还应包括人的自我完善和全面发展。小学阶段是人生的第一


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