
东华大学机械原理课件 机构的结构分析第二节.ppt

东华大学机械原理课件 机构的结构分析第二节.ppt

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The Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Chapter 1. Structure Analysis Sun Zhihong Zhsun@Main Topics of Today DOF of a mechanism 机构的自由度 Conditions for a mechanism to have determined motion 机构具有确定运动的条件 Matters needing attention when calculating DOF 计算机构自由度时应注意的问题 DOF of a mechanism What is DOF of a mechanism: The number of links that have independent motion(具有独立运动的构件的数目). Formula: F=3n-(2PL+Ph) Where : ??? n — number of moving links(活动构件数目) ??? PL—number of lower pairs(低副数目) ??? Ph— number of higher pairs(高副数目) 3.DOF of a mechanism Example 1 n=3 Pl=4 Ph=0 F=3n-(2PL+Ph) =9-8 =1 3.DOF of a mechanism Example 2 n=2 Pl=2 Ph=1 F=3n-(2Pl+Ph) =6-(4+1) =1 Conditions for a mechanism to have determined motion DOF F≥1(机构的自由度大于等于1) The DOF of the mechanism should be equal to the numbers of the driving links.(自由度数等于机构原动件数目) 5.Matters needing attention when calculating DOF 3. Passive Degree of Freedom(局部自由度) – The degree that does not influence other link’s motion. It should be omitted when calculate DOF. 4.When two links are connected by more than one higher pairs whose common normal(公法线) passing through the points of contact coincide (共线), they should be seen as only one higher pair. 5. When two links are connected by more than one higher pairs whose common normal passing the points of contact are not coincide, they should not be omitted. ? 6.Compound hinge(复合铰链) – more than one links connect with each other by joints at one point, it is called compound hinge. The number of joint is (m-1), m means the number of links. 7. Redundant Constraints 1(虚约束) – when the distance of two points at two links are constant, the link which connects the two points will introduce one redundant constraint, and it should be omitted before calculate the DOF 7. Redundant Constraints 2 – if two points connected by a revolute pair have exact the same 轨迹时,this revolute pair and the link it’s on should be omitted before calculate the DOF。 7. Redundant Constraints 3 –机构中对称结构起


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