
大连理工大学企业级服务器系统管理基础课件第8章 AIX实用工具.ppt

大连理工大学企业级服务器系统管理基础课件第8章 AIX实用工具.ppt

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Notes: Instructor notes: Purpose — Details — Additional information — Transition statement — Notes: Instructor notes: Purpose — Details — Additional information — Transition statement — $ cat $HOME/.kshrc alias mylinks=find . -type f -links +1 | xargs ls -li alias myrm=find . -type f -mtime +30 | xargs rm $ mylinks 127 -rw-r--r-- 3 team01 staff ... /home/team01/myfile 127 -rw-r--r-- 3 team01 staff ... /home/team01/yourfile 127 -rw-r--r-- 3 team01 staff ... /home/team02/akafile ENV=$HOME/.kshrc alias和find命令 $ which find grep /usr/bin/find /usr/bin/grep $ whereis find grep find: /usr/bin/find grep: /usr/bin/grep $ whence -pv find grep grep is /usr/bin/grep find is /usr/bin/find which,whereis和whence $ file /usr/bin/vi /usr/bin/vi:executable (RISC System/6000) or object module $ file c1 c1: ascii text $ file /usr/bin /usr/bin: directory $ ls filenames $ cat filenames c1 dir1 $ file -f filenames c1: ascii text dir1: directory file diff (文件差异比较) 分析文本文件 给出文件的差异报告 diff [-options] file1 file2 $ diff names.old names 1c1 Carol ---- Caroline 4d3 Don 5a5 Sam Carol Bob Jim Don Mary Caroline Bob Jim Mary Sam names: () names.old: () 用diff命令比较两个文件 $ cmp names names.old names names.old differ: byte 6, line 1 $ cmp -l names names.old 6 12 151 7 102 156 8 157 145 ... ... ... cmp: EOF on names 用cmp命令比较两个文件 1: 列出和其他目录中不同的文件 2: 列出相同名字的文件 3: 显示文本文件的差异 dircmp命令比较目录文件 $ dircmp -d /home/team01 /home/team02 Fri Jan 21 10:31:10 CDT 2000 /home/team01 only and /home/team02 only ./dir1 ./b1 ./dir1/c3 ./dir1/c4 ./dir1/dir2 ./dir1/dir2/c5 ./dir1/dir2/c6 Fri Jan 21 10:31:10 CDT 2000 Comparison of /home/team01 and /home/team02 directory . same ./.profile different ./.sh_history different ./c1 same ./c2 Fri Jan 21 10:31:10 CDT 2000 diff of ./c1 in /home/team01 and /home/team02 1c1 Now is the time for all good men --- Now is the time for all good women /home/team01 .p


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