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PAGE 17 济南市主干道园林植物应用调查 An investigation on plant application in roads of Jinan 作者: 指导教师: 摘要:本文从济南城市主干道园林植物应用方面,对济南城市道路绿化园林植物应用进行了综合研究,目的在于探索济南城市主干道绿化中园林植物的运用及改进对策。根据对济南城市主干道路绿化中园林植物应用现状的调查、分析入手,结合经十路、经十东路、泺源大街等几条典型城市主干道的园林植物应用实例,从生态学与园林美学的角度,分别对济南城市主干道绿地布局、种植设计以及树种和地被植物应用进行了综合性分析评价。调查发现济南主干道园林植物主要应用了黄山栾树、白腊、悬铃木、女贞、紫叶李、紫玉兰、连翘、大叶黄杨、紫叶小檗、一串红、紫微等。从中我们可以看出乡土植物应用较少,乡土植物作为本地的优势植物,经过漫长的自然选择,对本地的气候、土壤适应性强,生长良好。在改良土壤、净化空气、改善生态环境和小气候等方面均优于外来树种均优于外来树种,为此我们应遵循生态性原则,着重挖掘乡土植物的应用价值,丰富生物多样性。 关键词:济南城市主干道 园林植物应用 乡土树种 Abstract::This thesis research the intergrate application of the virescence of jinans road garden plants according to the application aspect of main road garden plants of jinan. The aim is to research the ploicy of apply and improve of the gardern plants on the main road virescence in jinan. According the inspection and analyse on the gardon plants which used for green the maid roda of Jinan City, considing the usage example for those garden plants planted in Jingshi RD, Jiangshidong RD, Luoyuan street etc main classical road, from the point of garden aesthetic, we give a compresive analyse and evaluation on green layout, planting design, coming with the usage of tree seeds earth quilt plants of main road in this city. Research shows that the garden plant in the main road of Jinan primarily use Koelreteria interifolia、Fraxinus chinensis、Platanus acerifolia、Ligustrun lucidum、Prunus cerasifera、Magnolia liliflora、Forsythia suspensa、Euonymus japonicus、Berberis thunbergii、Callistephus chinensis、Lagerstroemia indicaetc.From them we can see that the application of country plant is less. As the native advantage plant the country plant has a strong applicability to the native climate and soil through a endless natural selection, and grow well. It has superiority than the foreign plant in the aspect of the soil improving, air cleansing and envirment and little climate improving. Therefore we should follow the zoology principle, and emphasize the application value of the c


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