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/ / / / 浅析沃尔玛营销战略 Shallow of wal-marts marketing strategy 摘 要:沃尔玛作为国际零售行业的领头羊在全球范围内取得了巨大的成功。自1996年进入中国以来,沃尔玛在中国市场也取得了有目共睹的成就。本文从价格、客户服务和商业模式拓展等方面对沃尔玛的营销战略进行分析研究,试图找出沃尔玛在中国乃至世界市场中成功的原因,并由此总结出一些对于中国零售商的启示。 Pick to: wal-mart as the pioneer of international retail industry on a global scale has been a huge success. Since entering China in 1996, wal-mart in the Chinese market have also made obvious achievements. Based on the price, customer service and business model development of wal-marts marketing strategy analysis, trying to find out the reasons for the success of wal-mart in China and the world market, and summarizes some enlightenment for Chinese retailers. 关键词:沃尔玛;营销战略;零售行业; Key words: wal-mart; Marketing strategy; Retail industry; 沃尔玛是是一家美国的世界性连锁企业,也是全球零售行业的翘楚。以营业额计算,沃尔玛是世界上最大的公司。本文主要对沃尔玛的营销战略现状进行分析,凸显沃尔玛在的市场营销战略方面的成功之处,并基于沃尔玛的成功案例对于中国零售商提出几点启发和思考。 Wal-mart is an American worldwide chain enterprises, is also one of the world leaders in retail industry. Measured by sales, wal-mart is the worlds largest companies. This article mainly carries on the analysis about the present situation of wal-marts marketing strategy, highlight in the aspect of the marketing strategy of wal-marts success, and based on the success of wal-mart case for Chinese retailers provide some inspiration and thinking. 一、沃尔玛营销战略的成功之处 Wal-marts success marketing strategy (一)天天平价、薄利多销 (a) everyday parity, meager profit but high turnover 沃尔玛提出了一个响亮的口号:“销售的商品总是最低的价格”。所谓“天天平价”就是指零售商总是把价格定得低于其他零售商的价格。在这种价格策略的指导下,同样品质、品牌的商品都要比其他零售商低。这就是沃尔玛的经营理念,它体现在沃尔玛企业文化的各个方面。 Wal-mart proposed a resounding slogan: the sale of goods is always the lowest price. The so-called everyday parity is refers to the retailer to make sure that the price is always lower than price of other retailers. Under the guidance of this pricing strategy, as well as quality, brand goods are lower than other retailers. This is wal-marts management idea, it is embodied in all aspects of the wal-marts corporate c


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