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基于PLC的自动售货机监控系统设计 摘 要 随着当前城市规模的增大,很多公共场合都放置有自动售货机,极大的满足了人们的即时性需求,为人们进行简单物品的采购提供了一种便利。传统的自动售货机多采用单片机控制方案,系统硬件设计复杂,抗干扰能力相对较差,很难保证系统的可靠性和稳定性,维护维修困难。 本文设计一套基于PLC的自动售货机控制系统,阐述了自动售货机的发展背景与前景,详细分析其功能和特点,提出了总体设计方案;选用型号为L293D的步进驱动电机,设计了平面式贮币、电磁阀退币的货币处理装置,双螺旋式的送出机构,为降低成本和开发周期,创造性的选用了集成键盘、显示、设置功能的控制面板;以三菱FX2N-48MR型PLC为主控制器,基于FXGP/WIN-C编程软件,采用顺序控制的程序设计思路,设计了系统控制程序,包括投币程序、比较选择购买程序和退币程序。 该设计提高了自动售货机的可靠性和执行效率,且系统维护容易,维修简单,有一定的市场推广价值。 关键词:自动售货机,可编程序控制器,梯形图 Based on PLC automatic vending machine system design ABSTRACT The present paper design was by the microcomputer - PLC constitution automat supervisory system, this article elaborated automat and the development, as well as it in the domestic and foreign development present situation, the characteristic as well as the principle of work basically, to carried on a more careful elaboration by the microcomputer - PLC constitution vending machine system overall design process. Chooses PC machine in the design to take the host workstation on position machine, the lower position machine uses PLC to make the controller, three PLC controllers respectively be from the workstation 1, from the workstation 2, from the workstation 3, in the article exhaustively introduced the automat various hardware composition, and has completed the PLC exterior wiring diagram. In the article has manufactured on the position machine user management contact surface. The present paper key point places the PLC various hardware part the design and the introduction, the PLC trapezoidal chart Defers to in the overall design process “asks the question, the analysis question, solves the problem” the guiding ideology, has made the careful elaboration to the overall system design work. KEY WORDS: the vending machine, Programmable controller, Ladder diagram 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作 者 签 名:  


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