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内 容 摘 要 内 容 摘 要 美国封闭式公司是一种类似于我国有限责任公司的商事组织。由于封闭式公 司的特殊性,使其在经营过程中容易发生控制股东“排挤”少数派股东的现象,使 得少数派股东的合理期望落空。为了对封闭式公司少数派股东合法利益进行有效 保护,美国各州法院通过判例发展了专门适用于保护封闭式公司少数派股东免受 排挤行为侵害的司法救济模式和一个完善的司法救济措施体系。美国封闭式公司 股东排挤现象的司法救济相关规定较好地平衡了控制股东对公司的经营决策权 与少数派股东利益保护,对于我国有限责任公司少数派股东利益的保护具有很大 的借鉴意义。 本文除引言、结论外,分为四章。 第一章在分别分析美国封闭式公司与我国有限责任公司特征的基础上总结 两种公司的共同特征。 第二章详细论述发生在美国封闭式公司和我国有限责任公司中的股东排挤 现象、受排挤股东的困境、排挤行为的性质及其产生的原因。 第三章阐述美国公司法对封闭式公司股东排挤现象的三种司法救济模式即 直接定义模式、股东信义义务模式和合理期望准则模式,介绍其产生及发展完善 过程,深入分析比较三种模式的优点及不足。此外,本章以俄勒冈州公司法为例, 详细论述了美国公司法为受排挤股东所提供的完善的司法救济措施体系,并对清 购权救济措施这一最常用、最合理的司法救济措施在运用过程中所涉及的重要问 题进行详细阐述。 第四章分析我国公司法关于股东排挤现象的司法救济的不足之处,并对如何 借鉴美国公司法的相关规定,完善我国公司法对股东排挤现象的司法救济提出建 议。 关 键 词:排挤;合理期望;清购权 Abstract Abstract Shareholder disputes present one of the most prevalent and destructive problems encountered by the privately-owned business. Shareholder conflicts appear to be universal. Minority shareholder allegations against the majority reverberate in courtrooms throughout the world. Indeed, conflicts among shareholders continue to pose among the most difficult challenges to businesses, and in turn, to business law. A closely held corporation in America is a business organization similar to a Limited Liability Company in China. Because of the particularities of a closely held corporation, the minority shareholders are often “frozen out” by the majority shareholders and their expectations are frustrated during the operation. In order to protecting the minority shareholders from frozen-out, the courts of states in America have developed special approaches and effective remedies through legal precedents, through which reaching a balance between the controlling shareholders’ policy-making power in the operation and the protection of the non-controlling shareholders. It has very great reference meanings in protecting the minority shareholders in a Limited Liability Company in our country. Except the introduction and conclusion, the article includes four parts. Part I analyzes the common characteristic


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