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- - 课时巩固提升 Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出单词 Lucy is a _______ (可靠的 )girl, and you can rely on her. It suddenly started raining at_______ (午夜 ). He was standing on the bridge looking at the river_______ (在??下面 ). What’s the_______ (煮沸的 )point of water? She received $100, 000_______ (保险 )when she went through a terrible accident. There ’s a fine_______ (风景 )of the lake from our hotel window. They tried to _______ (预测 )the result of the football match. The little boy is too young to _______ (穿)himself. 答案: 1. reliable 2. midnight 3. beneath 4. boiling 5. insurance 6. view 7. forecast 8. dress Ⅱ. 单句语法填空 My teacher always encourages me_______ (stick)to my plan and promise. My father promised me to take me to Hong Kong this summer vacation. I can ’t wait _______ (go)there now. Although I got up with a headache, I went to school_______ usual. The accident happened_______ midnight. Luckily nobody was hurt at that time. _______ is important for us to keep a journal every day. The soil felt soft _______ our feet. He is so good _______ boy that we all like him. You may rely on it _______ he will do a good job. - 1 - _______ my view this book would benefit you. _______ (dress)in black, she looks more beautiful. 答案: 1. to stick 2. to go 3. as 4. at 5. It 6. beneath 7. a 8. that 9. In 10. Dressed Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. He fell in love with the girl who ___ ____ __ (穿着 )a beautiful long dress. (dress) 2. __ _____ (像往常一样 ), there weren ’t many people at the meeting.(usual) You’ll get__ ___ __ (全景 )of the town from the top of the hill. (view) The soldiers ____ ___ ___ ___(搭起了很多帐篷 )by the lake. (put) The little boy ____ ___ _______ (如此恐惧 )that he dared not say a word. (so) The little girl ___ ____ ___ __ (迫不及待地 )go home to see her sick mother. (hardly) 答案: 1. was dressed in As usual a full view put up many tents was so frightened can hardly wait to - 2 -


明若晓溪 + 关注


