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PAGE PAGE 2 摘 要 本设计为双向四车道,设计行车时速100公里,路线全长为2720.231m,路基宽度为26m,行车道宽度为4×3.75m,其中规划远景设计年限为20年。设计内容包括道路技术等级与技术标准论证、道路方案设计、指定路段技术设计等。 选线与定线是根据交通量确定道路等级,在地形图上确定三条备选路线,通过三个方案主要指标进行比选,确定最优方案。平面设计按照书中要求选定路线的各种技术指标,计算平曲线参数,确定线形。纵断面设计主要考虑纵坡在满足书中和规范上各规定的情况下,尽量使填挖趋于平衡,利于排水和行车舒适,计算竖曲线要素。横断面设计中考虑排水和行车安全稳定等因素确定道路的横断面形式。路基设计主要进行确定压实标准、路基高度、边坡形状、坡度、路基排水等设计。公路边坡防护采用合理设计坡比,设置浆砌片石护面墙、喷浆护坡、挡土墙等进行加固,水土流失防治效果较好。公路沿线设置了完善的排水系统,如边沟、排水沟、截水沟等,将地表径流引入自然溪沟或通过涵洞排出。路面采用沥青路面设计,三层体系。 本设计使用了纬地道路设计软件出图,效率高,避免了人力资源的浪费。 关键词:沥青路面;路线;横断面;纵断面;挡土墙。 Abstract This design is four-lane two-way , design traffic speed of 100 km, the road length 2720.231m, sub grade width of 26m, the carriageway width of 4 × 3.75m, among them plan to design service life as 20 years in distant view. Design the content and include the industrial grade of the road and proof, road conceptual design, appointing the technical design of highway section and special topic to be designed of the technical standard. Route selection and alignment determined in accordance with the road traffic levels, the topographic map to determine the three alternative routes, through three main indicators of the program than the election, determine the best option. Graphic design requirements in accordance with the selected book line of technical indicators, calculate flat curve parameters, determine the linear; Profile Design major consideration longitudinal and specification to meet the provisions of the book where, as far as possible so that tends to balance cut and fill, drainage and road comfort conducive to calculate vertical curve elements. Cross-sectional design of the drainage and road security and stability into account such factors determine the form of road cross-section. Foundation primarily designed to determine the compaction standards, embankment height, slope shape, slope, embankment and drainage design. Highway Slope Protection reasonable than the slope design, made of mortar and stones set retaining wall, spray Pitching and reinforce


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