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武汉理工大学硕士牢业论文 武汉理工大学 硕士学位论文 跨国公司在华RD投资与我国企业技术创新的研究 姓名:陈永俊 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:国际贸易学 ^导教师:凌丹Abstract As the most important guarantee for multinational corporation to win benefit, the RD department is domestic oriented for a long period. It is highly concentrated in the mother country. But since 90s of last century, along with economic globaiization development the multinatioaal corporation realized the technique is more and more important to international competitive advantage of themselves. As important economic activities of the production knowledge and turning the knowledge into productivity, RD is more important than any time before. The multinational corporation starts adjusting its strategy center. Regarding technique strategy in world as the core,they set up their multinational investment operation strategy, the RD behavior of the multinational corporation appeared the trend of globalization. At the beginning of 21st centuries, multinational corporation changed their RD center layout tradition that setting up RD center in mother country. According the comparative advantage of human resource, technology ability and basic facilities in different host country. They established RD organization m the world area and engaged in RD work of new technique and new product, that promote RD activity of nmltinational corporation towards the directioji of globalization. To establish RD organization in China will become hot problem of multinational corporation to invest in Chma gradually, this essay analysis the influence of multinational corporation RD investment in China to Chinese enterprises technology iimovation. This text contents is as follows: Chapter 1 makes the introduction of RD globalization and technology iimovation- Chapter 2 analyzes multinational corporation RD investment in China. Chapter 3 analyzes the Chinese enteiprises technology innovation. Chapter 4 analyzes the influence of muitinational corporation IlD mvestment in China to Chinese enterprises techn


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