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Anne’s best friend 说课稿 说课人:朱琳 2016年7月15日 Anne’s best friend I.Analysis of the teaching material(教材分析) II. Teaching methods(教法) III. Analysis of students and studying strategy(学情学法) IV. Teaching procedures(教学过程) V. Blackboard design(板书设计) VI.Prediction of the teaching effectiveness(教学效果预测) Analysis of the teaching material Understanding of the passage : It is the first reading passage of this unit and even the first one of the whole senior books.So it is very important for the students to master it well. I think, it is an opportunity for me to arouse the students’interest in English reading and help them set a good foundation for the later part of the English lesson. The passage contains two parts—the background information and a diary. The diary is a piece of literary works,So it is a little difficult for our new students to understand it deeply. It is necessary to introduce something about Word War II.(整个高中第一篇阅读文,激发兴趣,打好基础是重点.文章分两部分,背景知识和一篇日记,日记是一个文学作品,对高一新生来说有一些难理解,所以介绍一些二战的背景知识是有必要的.) Knowledge objectives: 1. Memorize and use the useful expressions 2. Understand the structure (识记使用短语 理解文章结构) Ability objectives: 1.Improve Ss ability of reading especially scanning and skimming 2. develop the ability of collecting information (提高阅读能力 培养文学鉴赏能力 锻炼信息搜集能力) Emotional objectives : 1. Let our students value peace and nature 2 .Fully understand the meaning of friendship (珍爱和平自然 理解友谊) Teaching objectives Important and difficult points Important points : the use of some phrases the understanding of the passage Difficult points: the use of some literary expressions select useful information from the text 根据教学目标要求以及学生的知识基础和学习技能的掌握情况,本课教学重点是一些重点短语的使用和对文章大意的把握。难点是一些文学语言的理解和从文本中提取有效信息的能力。 The teaching methods The situational language teaching method The task-based language teaching method Communicative approach Teaching aids: the multimedia and the blackboard (情境教学法 任务型教学 小组讨论) Th


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