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師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 差異化教學對數學學習成效之研究 年, 卷 期, 頁 2018 11 1 91-122 DOI 10.3966/207136492018041101004 差異化教學對國中學生數學學習成效影響之研究 *黃于真 **陳美如 摘 要 本研究探討「差異化教學法」對國中八年級學生數學學習成效的影響,採用準實驗研究 法,並採取不等組前-後測設計。研究對象為某國中八年級兩班共50 位學生 ,以其中一 班為實驗組,進行「差異化教學法」,另一班為對照組,進行「講述教學法」。教學內 容為「等差數列」與「等差級數」兩個單元,實驗教學結束後,研究者蒐集相關資料進 行量化的分析比較,以探討兩組學生數學學習成效的改變,並透過教學回饋單及晤談資 料來了解學生對於「差異化教學法」的態度及接受程度。研究發現,實施差異化教學可 以顯著提高學生數學學習成效,以中分群學生之學習成效差距最大。 關鍵詞:國中生、差異化教學、數學學習成效 * 黃于真,苗栗縣立三義高中圖書館主任 ** 陳美如,國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授(本文通訊作者) 電子信箱:meiju@.tw 來稿日期:2016 年7 月26 日;修稿日期:2017 年6 月28 日;採用日期:2017 年7 月27 日 91 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 A Study on the Effects of Differentiated Instruction on Junior High School Students Learning of Mathematics *Yu-Chen Huang ** Mei-Ju Chen Abstract The study discusses the impact of “differentiated instruction” on the learning of math for 8th graders in junior high school. The quasi-experimental research method was adopted, using the pretest-posttest design with unequal groups. The subjects were 50 students from two 8th grade classes in one junior high school. One class was assigned as the experimental group to receive “differentiated instruction”, while the other one was the control group to receive “didactic instruction”. The instruction contents were two units of the curriculum: “arithmetic sequence” and “arithmetic series”. After the entire experimental teaching was over, the researcher collected relevant data to proceed with quantitative analysis and comparison, as well as to investigate the changes of math learning outcomes for the two groups of students. Students attitudes and degree of acceptance toward “differentiated instruction” were examined through data collected from students f


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