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摘 摘 要 如何解决和声的民族风格问题,将传统和声与民族五声性旋律音 调相结合,一直以来都是我国众多作曲家们和理论家们关注的焦点。 他们或写文章总结本人或他人的创作经验,或从理论上作体系性的探 讨,在探索和声民族化方面积累了丰富的经验。黎英海先生便是这众 多杰出的音乐家中的一位,他将自己的音乐创作与理论研究都定位在 民族音乐领域,并取得了丰硕的成果。研究他,有其历史的价值,更 有其现实意义。 文章以黎英海先生的理论二号著《汉族调式及其和声》(和声部分) 以及他创作、改编的一系列声乐作品、钢琴作品为研究对象,从和弦 结构、和声进行、调式调性、织体写法、间音处理手法、民族音乐音 色模拟技法等方面详细论述了黎英海先生在民族调式和声理论的研究 与应用上取得的丰硕成果与宝贵经验及其给我们的两点启示:1)、音 乐创作应以民族传统音乐为根基,以欧洲传统作曲技法为借鉴,努力 探求音乐创作中传统技法、现代理念与民族风格的和谐统一,以此推 动民族音乐理论的研究与民族音乐的创作。2)、理论来源于实践,同 时又指导实践,并在实践中不断发展、完善。正确处理好理论研究与 创作实践之间的“继承”与“创新”的对立统一关系,永远是理论家 与作曲家研究与解决的“中心课题”。 关键词 黎英海 民族调式和声理论 民族风格 和声民族化 AbstractHow Abstract How to solve the problem of national style of harmony,combine the traditional harmony with the national pentatonic melody tone has been numerously focused on by composers and theoreticians of our country all the time.They write articles to summarize creative experience of themselves or others’,or make system discussion theoretically.They have accumulated abundant experience in exploring harmony nationalization.Mr. Li Yindlai is one of these numerous outstanding musicians.He orientates his music composition and theoretical research in the fields of national music and has made a great achievement.The study ofhim has not only the historic value but also the realistic meanings even more. This article is based on the research of Mr.Li Yinghai‘s monograph the modes ofMusic of the Han nationality and their harmony,his music composition and a series of his VOCal music works,piano works.From the structure of the chord,the harmonic progression,the modes and tonality, texture composition style,the styte of dealing with the skill and technique of national music sound simulation.etc.the author expounds Mr.Li hqnghai’s great achievement and his precious experience on academic research and application on national niode harmony in detail. 1.Music composition should regard nationality’S traditional music as foundation,and at the same time use European traditional skill and technique of music composition for referenc


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