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利弊,从我国犯罪观念出发,提出以共犯从属性与独立性相统一理论作为解决共 利弊,从我国犯罪观念出发,提出以共犯从属性与独立性相统一理论作为解决共 同身份犯理论基础,赋予共犯从属性与独立性新的内涵。 第三章:本章讨论了身份对于身份犯罪成立的作用,阐述了身份对共同身份 犯的犯罪构成主体要件的修正,并以共同身份犯的修正构成为依据,分析了我国 共同身份犯理论与实践中出现的问题。 第四章:本章对我国刑法中的身份犯有关规定进行分析,参照国外共同身份 犯的处罚原则,归纳并提出我国身份犯的处罚原则。 结语: 关键词:身份;身份犯;共同犯罪;共同身份犯 The The O r i me of do i nt I dent i f i cat i ons (Abstract) Major:Criminal Law Research Direction:Criminal Law Author:Zhang Zhouguo Tutor:Prof.Su Huiyu Criminal identifications pertain to the problem of special subjects in the Criminal Law.No specific provisions of identifications have been stipulated in general provisions of the Criminal Law,no agreement to the understanding of identification has been reached in the theory of the Criminal Law,either,particularly,it is more complicated that identifications associate With Joint Criminals.The thesis aims to solve the disadvantages of the principles of identification and Joint Crimes and advance the theory of Joint Crime subordinate and independence as the theoretical foundation SO as to support judicial practices in theory,regarding the basic conception of Joint Crimes as a start,referring to the provisions of identification and Joint Crimes all times and all over the world in the Criminal Law,studying the ideas of different Joint Crimes.Meanwhile,based on the analysis and study of the provisions concerning the identification and Joint Crimes in the Criminal Law and the discussion of the basic connotation of the identi6cation and Joint Crimes it differentiates and analyzes the relationship between the identification and Joint Crimes and the function of the conviction and the measurement of punishment as well.As far as the relationship conviction is concerned,it is believed that criminals can not be convicted of separately,but a proper imputation to reflect the characters of Joint Crimes according to the Principle of Which the Subj ectives Are Consistent wim the Objectives under some circumstances in which the one who owns an identity interacts t


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