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英语e的教案 篇一:E英语教程1 unit1教案 E College English A. Skills: listening to the stressed words B. Functions: how to express greetings amp; response. C. Conversation one: D. Conversation two : E. Practice: conversation one and two and exercises. 2. Speaking : 4. Passage B study: IIIDetailed study of text A A Mother’s Letter to the World Lead-in 。 2. Letter’s writing rules 打算The parents intend to send their kid abroad to study English. 8. wave to/ at.朝…..挥手 wave sb. goodbye Chairman Mao waved to Knowledge objectives: ①students can master some key words and expressions of the text. ②Students can acquire more about the present simple tense amp; the past simple tense. ③Students can learn how to find topic sentences of the passage. Emotional objectives:①students can have a right attitude towards life. ②students can raise their awareness to pursue happiness and enjoy life. 2. Teaching key points: help the students have a better understanding of the present simple tense and the past simple tense. 3. Teaching difficult points: enable students to distinguish fricatives of English and express satisfaction and dissatisfaction properly. 4. Teaching procedures: Part One Listening and Speaking Step 1. Pronunciation and listening skills Pronouncing fricatives properly: 发 /f/ 和 /v/ 这两个摩擦音时,上齿应接触下唇。发 /θ/ 和 /e/ 这两个摩擦音时,舌尖应置于上下齿之间。发 /s/ 和 /z/ 这两个摩擦音时,舌尖应抵齿龈。另外,因为 /v/、 /e/ 和 /z/ 这三个音是浊辅音,读时声带应振动 What did you dream to be when you were young? And how about now? 2)Do you think you can realize your dream? Why or why not? Overview We may often be asked by others: What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your dream? The answer is likely to be different at each stage of our life because we are growing and changing all the time. But what is the eternal pursuit of life? On the way to finding the answer, we work hard for our goals, we cooperate with and rely on others, and we learn to appreciate both success and



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