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Translation for Reference: 在许多都市里,无论是大都会还是小城市,个人往往没有这种选择的自由。他必然会同狮子会会员们狭路相逢。狮子会会员无处不在,避无可避。一截房檐从天而降,必然会砸到每个市民头上,无一幸免。我有时想,能够砸到每个纽约人头上的事件恐怕只有一年一度的圣帕特里克节游行,其影响之广,可谓无孔不入——爱尔兰是一个不可小觑的民族,纽约城中居住的爱尔兰人有50万之众,他们还拥有自己的武装力量。 Argumentative Essays Focused Writing Three Core Components: 1) A debatable topic: debatable but not too complex 2) Logic reasoning: some writing patterns like exemplification, definition, comparison-and- contrast, cause-and-effect can be used 3) Sufficient evidence: factual, logical. Statistical, or anecdotal evidence Focused Writing — Writing Skill 2. The Structure of An Argumentative Essay 1) An introductory paragraph Introducing the background to the topic in a general way Explaining why the topic is important or why readers should care about the issue. Presenting the thesis statement 2) Body paragraphs that include evidential support Each body paragraph must has some logical connection to the thesis statement. Dedicate one or two body paragraphs to discussing conflicting opinions on the topic. 3) A conclusion paragraph Restate why the topic is important Review the main points Review your thesis Focused Writing — Writing Skill Final Project Final Project Role-play Suppose that you’re a mother /father with a seven-year-old kid. You are keen to make your kid a prodigy in his/her future life. What will you do in everyday life? Your partner is supposed to be the seven-year-old kid. How to deal with such expectations from his/her parent? You and your partner play the roles of a mother/father and a kid. Try to use the following expressions from the text in the role-play. Fun Time Enjoy a popular song that describes mom’s image from a boy’s perspective. “妈妈唠叨之歌”歌词 Role-play Expressions you may use: Look, all you do is… Make sure you remember… first. First you…, then you… It sure is. I guess you are right. I suppose that’s true. I couldn’t agree more. Final Project Role-play Expressions you may u


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