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硕士学位论文:老年入应用互联硝的动因、特征及中国老年互联网产业发展研究摘要 硕士学位论文:老年入应用互联硝的动因、特征及中国老年互联网产业发展研究 摘要 人口老龄化是2l世纪的一个熏要特征,一个不可阻挡的趋势。本文以此力 基萋窭,菇老年久墨对赢联弼静需求瓣惩为甥入意,透视串莺瘦对老龄讫阚题的策 略与措施。全文共分为四部分:第一部分为人口意龄化问题与老年人口对嚣联网 的需求,怒全文的研究背景;第=部分淹老年人殿用互联网的幼因与特堑,楚全 文豹羹淼,笔者在麓老年入痊嗣互联网懿实证谰凌豹墓磴上,对老年人应蠲蕊联 网的动阁做深入细致的阐释研究,对老年人应用飘联网的特筏做系统分析;第三 部分为中国老年互联网产业发展的基础及建议,在阐明中国老零互联网产娥发展 豹基穑上,辩串重老肇互联潮产她的未来发震掇掇建设;第鞠部分为结论。 关键词;老年人;矍联嚼;动因;姆征;老年曼联网产业:中豳 硕士学位论文:老举八应用互联两的动田、特征及中国老年互联网产业发展研究The 硕士学位论文:老举八应用互联两的动田、特征及中国老年互联网产业发展研究 The Motivation and Characteristic of Using the Internet by Old People and the Study of the Development of the Old Industry of Internet in China Abstract:Aging process is an important characteristic and art irresistible trend in the 21st century,This text is based on this problem and regards demand question to tntcmet ofold people as the b重钱匠[}瑾铀毽曲point tO perspect the tactics and measure of solving the aging question in China.Whole ofthe text could be divided into four parts: The first part is the aging question and the demand to Interaet of old people,which is the research bacl【弹und of the whole text;The second part is the motivation and characteristic of using the Intemet by old people and is the focal point of the whole text,which is based on the auther’S investigation to explane the motivation and analyse the characteristic of璐ing the Intemet by old people;The tllird part is the foundation and suggestion to the development ofthe old industry of Internet in China, which puts forward the瓣gges蛀on tO the future ofold industry ofInteract ofChina on expounding the basis of the development of Chinas old industry of Interact;The fourth part iS a conclusion. Keywords:Old people;Intemet;Motivation;Characteristic;Old industry of Intemet; C:hina li 嫒±擎键论文;老年人痘月蔓袋鄹熬动园、特链及申謦老年甄联羁产韭菱袋荸秀究1人日老龄化涎莲与老年人口瓣互联网数需求 嫒±擎键论文;老年人痘月蔓袋鄹熬动园、特链及申謦老年甄联羁产韭菱袋荸秀究 1人日老龄化涎莲与老年人口瓣互联网数需求 1.1人口老龄化问题 联合国第二属世界老龄化大会于2002年4月8日.12同在西班牙首都马德里 召开,全球159个舀家和照区韵代表鞠及联含国的有关机构参加了此次大会。联 会髫秘书蛟安南出寒露慕式著数蘸,健在致薅孛高度赞扬了老年入对技会鼹敛戆 贡献,同时提醒世界各豳,人翻老龄化问题融不仅仅是“第一世界”的话题,它 正


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