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preprint an automated approach for identifying potential vulnerabilities新
An Automated Approach for Identifying
Potential Vulnerabilities in Software
Anup K Ghosh Tom OConnor Gary McGraw
Reliable Software Technologies Corp oration
Ridgetop Circle
Sterling VA
faghoshtoconnorgem grstcorp com
Abstract databases Pro cess maturity mo dels and formally ver
This p aper pr esents results fr om analyzing the vul ied proto cols play a necessary and imp ortant role in
nerability of securitycritical software applications to developing secure systems It is imp ortant to note
malicious threats and anomalous events using an au however that even the most rigorous pro cesses can
tomated fault injection analysis approach The work pro duce p o or quality software Likewise even the
is based on the wel lunderstood pr emise that a large most rigorously and formally analyzed proto col sp eci
pr oportion of security violations result fr om errors in cation can b e p o orly implemented In practice mar
software source code and conguration The method ket pressures tend to dominate the engineering and
ology employs software fault injection to for ce anoma development of software often at the exp ense of for
lous pr ogr am states during the execution of software mal verication and even testing activities This is
and observes their corresponding eects on system se esp ecially true of commercial grade softwa