
第22章 移植免疫-2冲突.ppt

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2007口腔 Medical Immunology 第22章 移植免疫 Transplantation Immunology 移植有关概念 移植(transplantation) 移植物(grafts) 供者(donors) 受者或宿主(recipient or hosts) Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1912 Alexis Carrel (France) Work on vascular suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1960 Peter Brian Medawar (1/2) Discovery of acquired immunological tolerance The graft reaction is an immunity phenomenon 1950s, induced immunological tolerance to skin allografts in mice by neonatal injection of allogeneic cells Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980 George D. Snell (1/3), (1/3) Discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions H-genes (histocompatibility genes), H-2 gene Human transplantation antigens (HLA) ----MHC Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990 Joseph E. Murray (1/2) Discoveries concerning organ transplantation in the treatment of human disease In 1954, the first successful human kidney transplant was performed between twins in Boston. Transplants were possible in unrelated people if drugs were taken to suppress the bodys immune reaction Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988 Gertrude B. Elion (1/3) , George H. Hitchings (1/3) Discoveries of important principles for drug treatment Immunosuppressant drug (The first cytotoxic drugs) ----- azathioprine 角膜 心脏 肝脏 肺脏 肾脏 胰腺 骨髓 皮肤 移植物分类 自体移植物(autografts) 移植物来自受者自身 同基因移植物(isografts) 移植物来自遗传基因与受者完全相同的供者 同种异型移植物(allografts) 移植物来自同种但遗传基因型有差异的另一个体 异种移植物(xenografts) 移植物来自异种动物 移植排斥反应 特异性免疫应答 特异性 记忆性 初次排斥反应 再次排斥反应 第一节 同种异型移植排斥的免疫学基础 移植抗原 同种异型移植排斥的机制 一、移植抗原 (Transplantation Antigens) 概念 移植物表达的引起宿主抗移植物免疫应答的抗原 分类 主要组织相容性抗原 次要组织相容性抗原 其他同种异型抗原 1、主要组织相容性抗原 引起同种异型移植排斥反应的主要抗原 能引起强烈而迅速的排斥反应 HLA型别的差异是人类移植排斥反应的主要原因 2、次要组织相容性抗原 引起机体较弱排斥反应的抗原 发生较慢,强度较轻 小鼠H-Y抗原, Y染色体编码 HA-1~HA-5等,非Y染色体连锁 3、其他同种异型抗原 人类ABO血型抗原 某些组织特异性抗原 移植排斥反应强度:皮肤>肾>心>胰>肝 血管内皮细胞(VEC)特异性抗原 皮肤的SK抗原 二、同种异型移植排斥的机制 细胞免疫机制 体液免疫机制 NK细胞的作用 1、细胞免疫


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