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万方数据 万方数据 内 容 摘 要 教唆自杀作为自杀的一种特殊情形,不断地走进人们的视线,也引发了社会和公众 的关注。法律人士也从法学理论出发,结合司法实践,对其所涉及的法律问题进行研究 和探讨,其中刑事责任的认定问题逐渐成为探究的焦点。我国刑法没有对教唆自杀有明 确规定,理论界对于教唆自杀行为的定性也颇有争议,但是在实践中,认定教唆自杀案 件中的刑事责任问题是十分必要的。笔者在此对于教唆自杀行为如何定性进行探讨,并 依据罪刑法定原则,对教唆自杀案件中刑事责任的认定问题进行浅析。 在笔者看来,在法律没有明文规定的情形下,这一问题之所以在司法实践中引起争 议,很重要的原因之一就是由于具体案件的具体情况不同,涉及的教唆自杀的类型不同, 直接导致对于行为人行为性质上的不同,进而产生刑事责任的不同。因此,笔者认为要 想正确认定教唆自杀案件中的刑事责任,就本论题而言,确定教唆自杀的概念和内涵, 准确划分各种类型是较重要的前提条件。在本文中,笔者将从广义和狭义定义教唆自杀 行为的概念,同时,在狭义教唆自杀行为的下,划分为被教唆者有自杀意图的教唆自杀 行为和被教唆者无自杀意图的教唆自杀行为两种情形,在此分类基础上笔者从不同教唆 自杀行为类型的个性分析,着重探究教唆自杀案件中刑事责任的认定问题。在此过程中, 笔者通过不同条件下形成的不同教唆自杀案件中,每个条件的成就与否对于教唆自杀中 教唆自杀者和被教唆自杀者行为定性的影响,逐步的分析认定教唆自杀案件中的刑事责 任。当然笔者在文中的探讨更多的是一种理论思考,是在对教唆自杀行为的各种模式进 行探讨的同时,厘定教唆者的刑事责任,但在教唆自杀行为最为狭义的概念下,笔者拟 从教唆自杀行为出发,进而探讨实际可行的操作标准。 关键词:教唆自杀 刑事责任 理论思考 I Abstract Abetting suicide as a special case of suicide, constantly into the line of sight of people, also caused the attention of the society and the public. Legal experts also from the perspective of legal theory, in combination with judicial practice, to study and discuss the legal issues involved, including the cognizance of criminal responsibility problem gradually become the focus of exploration. Chinas criminal law for abetting suicide have specific provision, the theoretical circle for abetting suicide behavior qualitative is controversial, but in practice, cognizance abetting suicide case of criminal responsibility is very necessary. How the author here for abetting suicide qualitative were discussed, and according to the principle of a legally prescribed punishment, criminal responsibility for abetting suicide cases identified problems are analysed. In my opinion, in the case of the law is not, this problem has caused controversy in the judicial practice, it is very important to one of the reasons is because of the specific conditions of the specific case is different, involves the different types of abetting suicide, the direct cause for the offender behavior qualitative differences, and thus concluded that differ


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