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PAGE 5 PAGE 9 油纸电容式套管故障统计分析及模拟测试研究 国江,倪学锋,林浩,姜胜宝,黄林 (中国电力科学研究院,武汉 430074) 摘 要:油纸电容式套管广泛应用于电力系统变压器、电抗器、开关等重要电力设备中。近年来,变压器、电抗器、开关的套管事故和故障频繁发生,已经引起了有关部门的重视。文章介绍了近年来在国网电力系统运行的国产和进口变压器、电抗器的套管事故和故障情况,对国网电力系统出现的套管事故和故障案例进行了统计分析,同时通过理论计算及结构设计,提出了通过模拟套管测试研究以了解并掌握油纸电容式套管故障原因。 关键字:油纸电容式套管;事故和故障;统计分析;模拟套管测试 中图分类号:TM41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1390(2014)00-0000-00 Research on the Statistical Analysis and Simulation Tests and Statistical Analysis of the Oil-Impregnated Paper Capacitance Graded Bushing Faults GUO Jiang, NI Xue-feng, LIN Hao, JIANG Sheng-bao, HUANG Lin (China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Chin Abstract:: The oil-impregnated paper capacitance graded bushing is widely applied in to the important electrical equipment in the power system such as transformers、, reactors、, switches and so on. In the recent years, the bushing accidents and faults of transformers、, reactors and switches occurs frequently, which has aroused great attention of the relevant departments’ great attention. In tThis paper, we have introduced the bushing accidents and faults of the transformers and reactors bushing used in homebred and import transformers、reactors operating in the State Grid power system., which had been made in China or imported from abroad. And then statistical analysis was made of the bushing accidents and faults in the State Grid power system. and given the statistical analysis. Meanwhile, through theoretical calculations and structural design, we have donethe paper put forward the proposal that the research on simulation bushing test should be made to learn, and mastered the fault reasons for the of oil-impregnated paper capacitance graded bushing faults. Key words:: oil-impregnated paper capacitance graded bushing, accident and fault, statistical analysis, simulation bushing test 引 言 套管是变压器、电抗器、开关等电力设备的重要组件。它不仅起着将绕组引出线引出,实现与外部电网连接,还起着固定引线的作用。所以套管必须满足电气强度和机械强度的双重要求。其绝缘性能以及电流导通性能,对保证电力设备可靠供电和安全运行至关重要。据统计,国网电力系统110 kV及以上变压器10年(1990—1999年)的事故中,与套管相关的


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