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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research 人工智能与机器人研究, 2019, 8(1), 1-6 Published Online February 2019 in Hans. /journal/airr /10.12677/airr.2019.81001 Function Construction of Interface Intelligent Model Yebin Lin Hangzhou Yihu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zhejiang nd th th Received: Nov. 22 , 2018; accepted : Dec. 10 , 2018; published: Dec. 17 , 2018 Abstract This paper aims to build an overall program that adapts to the requirements through the interface intelligence model and the use of function methods. In the “Algorithm Representation and Use of Interface Models”, the representation of the interface and the process of adjusting the unsuitable interface to achieve the desired whole are initially demonstrated. The function we usually use can also be seen as an interface. Various methods are written in a programming language, and then these methods generally take the input and output of in, out. These inputs and outputs can be seen as a forward interface and a negative interface. Each parameter of the method can be regarded as an interface, the input parameter is a negative interface, and the output parameter is a forward interface. Then the interface intelligence model can use these inputs and outputs as interfaces, thus assembling into a variety of implementations of human needs. That is to say, the interface intelligent model can realize the process of automatic construction of function methods. Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Interface Driver, Algorithm Model, Function Composition, Intelligent Programming 接口智能模型的函数构建 林烨斌 杭州蚁护科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 收稿日期:2018年11月22 日;录用日期:2018年12月10 日;发布日期:2018年12月17 日 摘 要


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