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We can’t rule the country without rules. 没有规章制度就不能治理好国家.;The school has school rules. …;Can you watch TV after school? Do you have to do you homework after school? Can you go out on school nights?;get up early on school mornings. help in the house study hard at all the subjects. do your homework after school make your own bed wash your hands before a meal go to bed before 10:00 on school nights;Where do you like to stay? At home or at school?;gym class;classroom;d;d;;get up at 6’clock Don’t meet your friends after school Do your homework after school Don’t watch TV on school nights You have to be in bed by ten o’clock. You have to clean your room and wash your clothes on weekends 7. You have to help your mom make dinner 8. You have to learn the piano.;Don’t watch TV late at night.; What are the rules in the library? ; Library Rules Keep books tidy (整洁) and clean. Keep quiet. Give books back on time. Don’t use (使用) others’ library card. Be friendly/polite (礼貌). Wear school badges. Don’t bring your backpack. Don’t bring wet umbrellas. Don’t bring any food or drink. ; Library Rules Keep books tidy (整洁) and clean. Keep quiet. Give books back on time. Don’t use (使用) others’ library card. Be friendly/polite (礼貌). Wear school badges. Don’t bring your backpack. Don’t bring wet umbrellas. Don’t bring any food or drink. ;No smoking;No talking!;No school bags No food No wet umbrellas No listening to music;Grammar;Homework 1.作业本第3,4部分. 2.听写单词P71-73家长批改. 3.假设你是一个超市的经理.请你 列出 “supermarket rulers” 4.继续背诵P100. 2a,2b 部分.


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