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World War Two Assignment Introduction Procedure Material and Methods Conclusion PPT 郭月 孙佳琪 张晶 闫蕾 张艳琦 杨雪 张悦 王鑫荣 Introduction The Second World War has a great influence on the fate of the human being, and it is also a great turning point in human history.For the sake of completing the report, our report will includes several parts. Time: 1st September 1939------15th August 1945 The character(性质)of the War :It can be divided into two phases-imperialist war(帝国主义战争) and anti-Fascism war(反法西斯战争) Two opposing military alliances :the Allies and the Axis Germany Italy Japan Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini 本尼托 墨索里尼 Hirohito 裕仁 America Britain China Soviet Union Franklin Roosevelt Winston Churchill Jiang Jieshi Stalin Procedure The second world war is an unprecedented global war in human history, in sixty-one countries and regions, more than 20 people have been involved. Fighting force more than one hundred million people, about one hundred million soldiers and civilian casualties, thirty million people displaced. Human losses of World War II Country Total deaths Deaths as?% of 1939 population China 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 (1.93 to 3.86) ?United States 418,500 0.32 ?Japan 2,620,000 to 3,120,000 (3.67 to 4.37) Total deaths 62,171,400 至 78,511,500 (3.17 至 4.00) Material and Methods Conclusion According to our report ,we can know a lot of details about the second world war. World War II, create a tremendous impact to the fate of mankind, is a major turning point in human history. The Second World War II were launched by the group of Germany, Japan and Italy fascist state. Their purpose is not only to compete for the colony, but also to establish their own hegemony in the world and to enslave people all over the world. The victory of the anti fascism war stopped countries from being fascist slavery and saved the destruction of world civilization. Such fragile the life is , please cherish peace * *


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